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Yi-Ming Wei

Professor Yi-Ming Wei, Ph.D.

Yi-Ming Wei is a distinguished professor of Energy and Environmental Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology. Prof. Wei is elected as the Fellow of German National Academy of Science and Engineering in 2023, foreign full member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Engineering in 2023. He was appointed as the vice president of Beijing Institute of Technology in 2019. From 2009 to 2019, he was the Dean of the School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China. He is the Founding Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research at BIT (Top 1% institutions in the field of Energy Economics, and Environmental Economics at IDEAS). He is also the Founding Director of Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Economics and Environmental Management.

Yi-Ming Wei has more than 30 years of experience in the energy industry, including in academia, research, consulting. Previously, Dr. Yi-Ming Wei joined the Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) from the State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environment Information System of China, he was appointed as the Deputy Director-General of the CAS institute of Policy and Management from October 2000 to November 2008. He was the founding director of IPM-CAS and RIET-CNPC Joint Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research.

His recent research and teaching focus on Energy Policy and Energy Economics, CO2 emission and Climate Policy, Energy and Climate Policy Modeling. He has performed over 50 research projects for various China governmental agencies including NDRC, MOST, NEA, NSFC,CNPC,SGCC and CAS, and such international organizations as the World Bank, EU-FP7. He published 20 books and over 300 papers in peer review Journals including Nature-Climate Change, Nature-Energy, Nature-Communications, Nature-Sustainability, Climatic Change, Energy Economics, Ecological Economics,Quantitative Finance, Energy Policy, Resource Policy, Applied Energy, Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Environmental Modelling and Software, Journal of Policy Modeling, Computers and Industrial Engineering , Omega.

Prof. Wei has been awarded by the Prize of Science and Technology for Young Scholars (2001), National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (2004), and honor of National Excellent Postdoctoral (2005), Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2005), Chair Professor of Changjiang Scholar program of the Ministry of Education of China(2008), Honor of Excellent Researcher of China Awarded by China Association for Science and Technology(2012), Honor of Excellent Teacher of Beijing Municipality(2013) National High Level Leading Talents Special Support Plan(2017).

He is the President of the Chinese Society of Energy Economics and Management of OOPEM, Vice President of the Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics (OOPEM), President of Chinese Society of Complex System Research of OOPEM, Vice President of Chinese Society of Computer simulation of OOPEM, Vice Chairman of Energy System Engineering Council of China Energy Research Society.

Currently, Prof. Wei is the founding Co-editor-in-chief of Energy and Climate Change[Elsevier], Associate editor of Applied Energy [Elsevier], Associate editor of Energy Strategy Reviews [Elsevier], Advisory Board member of Energy Policy [Elsevier],Area Editor of Journal of Modelling in Management [Emerald], and a member of board of such Journals as International Journal of Global Energy Issues[Inderscience], Natural Hazards [Springer], Energy of China, International Journal of Risk Assessment & Management, International Journal of Management and Decision Making. He also served as the guest editor of an issue/volume of several journals including Computers and Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, Energy Strategy Reviews, Natural Hazards, Annals of Operations Research. He is a Coordinate Lead Author (CLA) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6).

 Research-related Prizes and Honors

2023 Fellow of German National Academy of Science and Engineering

2023 Foreign full member(Academician) of the Russian Academy of Engineering(RAE)

2023 National Education and Teaching Achievement Award

2021 National Textbook Award

2020 National Innovation Pioneering Award

2017 National High Level Leading Talents Special Support Plan

2013 Honor of Excellent Teacher of Beijing Municipality.

2012 Honor of Excellent Researcher of China Awarded by China Association for Science and Technology

2008 Chair Professor of Changjiang Scholar program of the Ministry of Education of China

2005 Hundred Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

2005 Honor of the National Excellent Postdoctoral in the 30th Anniversary Celebration of National Postdoctoral Program

2001 Young Scientist Award of China from the Ministry of Personnel of China and China Association for Science and Technology

2023 Natural Science AWARD of Ministry of Education of China

2017 Soft Science AWARD of National Energy Administration of China

2015 Soft Science AWARD of National Energy Administration of China

2014 Science and Technology AWARD of Ministry of Education of China

2013 Philosophy and Social Science AWARD of Beijing Municipality.

2012 Science and Technology AWARD of Ministry of Education of China

2005 Natural Science AWARD of Hubei Province

2005 Science and Technology AWARD of Beijing Municipality

2004 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars

2003 Natural Science AWARD of Hubei Province

2002 Science and Technology AWARD of Beijing Municipality

Representative Publications


[1] Y.-M. Wei, H. Liao, Energy Economics: Understanding and Interpreting Energy Poverty in China, Emerald Publishing, 310 pages (2019) [ISBN 978-1-78756-780-1] .

[2] Y.-M. Wei, H. Liao, B.-Y Yu, B.-J. Tang, Green transition in Energy Intensive Sectors, Science Press, 400 pages (2018) [ISBN 978-7-03-059256-9] (in Chinese).

[3] Y.-M. Wei, L.-C. Liu, H. Liao, CO2  Emissions and Low Carbon Development in China, Science Press, Beijing, 266 pages (2017) [ISBN 978-7-03-051428-8] (in Chinese).

[4] Y.-M. Wei, H. Liao, Energy Economics: Energy Efficiency in China, Springer, 339 pages (2016) [ISBN 978-7-319-44631-8]

[5] Y.-M. Wei, H. Liao, B.-J. Tang, Y. Hao,Energy Market Research, Science Press, Beijing, 284 pages (2016) [ISBN 978-7-03-050463-0] (in Chinese).

[6] Y.-M. Wei, H. Liao, K. Wang, Y. Hao,  Energy Poverty Research, Science Press, Beijing, 234 pages (2014) [ISBN 978-7-03-040714-6] (in Chinese).

[7] Y.-M. Wei, Y.-J. Zhang, China’s Energy Economy: An Illustrated Guide, Science Press, Beijing, 112 pages (2013) [ISBN 978-7-03-038278-8] (in Chinese).

[8] Y.-M. Wei, G. Wu, Q.-M. Liang, H. Liao, Energy Security Research, Science Press, Beijing, 239 pages (2012) [ISBN 978-7-03-034497-7] (in Chinese).

[9] Y.-J. Zhang, Y.-M. Wei, Risk management of Petroleum Market:Models and Methods, Science Press, Beijing, 197 pages (2013) [ISBN 978-7-03-03618-8] (in Chinese).

[10] Y.-M. Wei, H. Liao, Energy Efficiency Research, Science Press, Beijing, 239 pages (2010) [ISBN 978-7-03-028838-7] (in Chinese).

[11] Y.-M. Wei, S.-P. Zhou, et al, Risk Assessment on Oversea Mineral Resources Exploration and Utilization, The Geological Publishing House, Beijing, 358 pages (2010) [ISBN 978-7-116-06853-7] (in Chinese).

[12] Y.-M. Wei, K. Wang, Z.-H. Feng, Carbon Finance and Carbon Market: Method and Empirical Analysis, Science Press, Beijing, 505 pages (2010) [ISBN 978-7-5111-0181-5] (in Chinese).

[13] Y.-M. Wei, L.C.Liu, G. Wu, L.-L-Zou, Energy Economics: CO2 Emissions in China, Srpinger, Heidelberg, 322 pages (2010) [ISBN 978-3-642-13846-1] .

[14] Y.-M. Wei, Y.Fan, Z.Y. Han and G. Wu, Energy Economics: Modeling and Empirical Analysis in China., Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 313 pages (2010) [ISBN 978-1-4398-1121-4] .

[15] Y.-M. Wei, Addressing Climate Change, Chinese Environmental Science Press, Beijing, 505 pages (2010) [ISBN 978-7-5111-0181-5] (in Chinese).

[16] Y.-M. Wei, C. L. Liu, Y.Fan, and G. Wu, CO2  Emission Research, Science Press, Beijing, 304 pages (2008) [ISBN 978-7-03-021728-8] (in Chinese).

[17] Y.-M. Wei, Y.Fan, Z.Y. Han and G. Wu, Energy Strategy and  Policy Research, Science Press, Beijing, 304 pages (2006) [ISBN 7-03-017002-4] (in Chinese).

[18] Y.-M.Wei, C.L.Fang, J.M.Li. and J. Yan, China’s Technology Policy in Petroleum, Science Press, Beijing, 193 pages (2006) [ISBN 7-03-016669-8]  (in Chinese).

[19] Y.-M. Wei, Xiao-Feng Fu,Chang-Jie Chen, Theory and Its Applications of Sustainable Development Management in China, Science Press, Beijing,248 pages (2002) [ISBN 7-03-015110-0]  (in Chinese).

[20] Q.-H Hu, Y.-M. Wei, Linear Programming and Its Applications, Science Press, Beijing, 248 pages (2004) [ISBN 7-03-012632-7] (in Chinese).

Text Books

[1] Yi-Ming Wei, Hua Liao, Energy Economics, Renming University Press, Beijing,320 pages (2019) [ISBN 9787300278148] (in Chinese).

[2] Yi-Ming Wei, Jian-Ling Jiao, Advanced Energy Economics, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing,251 pages (2013) [ISBN 978-7-302-32983-1]  (in Chinese).

[3] Yi-Ming Wei, Jian-Ling Jiao, Hua Liao, Energy Economics, Tsinghua University Press,Beijing,197 pages (2013) [ISBN 978-7-302-33555-1]  (in Chinese).

Selected Publications in Refereed International Journal  

More than 240 peer-reviewed articles have been published in international journals. Followings are selected articles ( * corresponding author)

[1] L-J Liu & H-D Jiang & Q-M Liang & F Creutzig & H Liao & Y-F Yao & X-Y Qian & Z-Y Ren & J Qing & Q-R Cai & O Edenhofer & Y.-M. Wei*, 2023. Carbon emissions and economic impacts of an EU embargo on Russian fossil fuels, Nature Climate Change,13(3), pp 290-296.

[2] Y.-M. Wei*, J.-N.Kang, L.-C Liu, Q. Li, P.-T Wang, J.-J Hou, Q.-M. Liang, H.Liao, S.-F Huang,  B.-Y Yu, 2021. A proposed global layout of carbon capture and storage in line with a 2 °C climate target, Nature Climate Change, 11(2),pp112-118.

[3] Y.-M. Wei*, R. Han, C. Wang, B.-Y. Yu, Q.-M. Liang, X.-C. Yuan, J.-J Chang, Q. Zhao, H Liao, B. Tang, J. Yan, L. Cheng, Z. Yang, 2020.  Self-preservation strategy for approaching global warming targets in the post-Paris Agreement era, Nature Communications,11(1624), pp1-13.

[4] Z. Mi?, J. Zheng, J. Meng, J. Ou, K. Hubacek, Z. Liu, D. Coffman, N. Stern, S. Liang?, Y.-M. Wei*, 2020. Economic development and converging household carbon footprints in China, Nature Sustainability, 3(7), pp 529-537.

[5] B.-Y. Yu, Y.-M. Wei, G. - Kei, Y. Matsuoka, 2018.  Future scenarios for energy consumption and carbon emissions due to demographic transitions in Chinese households. Nature Energy, 3(2), pp 109-118.

[6] Z.-F Mi, J. Meng, D.-B. Guan, Y. Shan, M. Song, Y.-M. Wei, Z. Liu, K. Hubacek, 2017,Chinese CO2 emission flows have reversed since the global financial crisis, Nature Communications, 8(1), pp 1-10.

[7] D. Wiedenhofer, D. Guan, Z Liu, J. Meng, N. Zhang, Y.-M. Wei*, 2017. Unequal household carbon footprints in China. Nature Climate Change, 7(1), pp 75-80.

[8] Y.-M. Wei*, R. Han, Q.-M. Liang, B-Y. Yu, Y.-F. Yao, M.-M. Xue, K. Zhang,L.-J. Liu, J. Peng, P. Yang, Z-F. Mi, Y.-F. Du, C. Wang, J.-J. Chang, Q.-R. Yang, Z. Yang, 2018. An integrated assessment of INDCs under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: an implementation of C3IAM. Natural Hazards, 92(2), pp 585-618.

[9] X.-C Yuan, X. Sun, U. Lall, Z.-F. Mi, J. He, Y.-M. Wei*, 2016. China’s socioeconomic risk from extreme events in a changing climate: a hierarchical Bayesian model, Climatic Change,139, pp169-181.

[10] Y.-M. Wei*, G.. Wu, Y. Fan, L.C. Liu, 2008. Empirical analysis of optimal strategic petroleum reserve in China, Energy Economics, 30(2), pp 290-302.

[11] Y.-M. Wei*, H. Liao, Y. Fan, 2007, An empirical analysis of energy efficiency in China's iron and steel sector. Energy, 32(12), pp 2262-2270.

[12] Q. -M. Liang, Y. Fan and Y. -M. Wei*, 2007. Carbon taxation policy in China: How to protect energy- and trade-intensive sectors?, Journal of Policy Modeling, 29(2), pp 311–333.

[13] Y.-M. Wei*, L. C. Liu, Y. Fan and G. Wu, 2007. The impact of lifestyle on energy use and CO2 emission: An empirical analysis of China's residents, Energy Policy, 35(1), pp 247-257.

[14] H. Liao,  Y.Fan, Y.-M Wei*, 2007. What induced China's energy intensity to fluctuate: 1997-2006? Energy Policy,35(9),pp 4640-4649.

[15] Y.-M. Wei*, Q.M Liang, Y. Fan, N. Okada and H.T. Tsai, 2006. A scenario analysis of energy requirements and energy intensity for China's rapidly developing society in the year 2020, Technological Forecasting and Social Change,73(4),pp 405-421.

[16] Y.-M.Wei, H. T. Tsai, Y. Fan, R. Zeng, 2004. Beijing’s Coordinated development of population, resources, environment and economy,Int. J. of Sustain. Dev. World Ecol,11(9), pp 235-246.

[17] Y.-M.Wei*, Q.-H.Hu, Y.Fan, 2004. Mathematical model for the optimization of the allocation of nonferrous raw materials in China, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 46(2/4),pp 283-303.

[18] Y.-M.Wei, S.-J,Ying, Y.Fan, B.-H. Wang, 2003. The cellular automaton model of investment behavior in the stock market, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 325(3/4),507-516.

[19] Y.-M.Wei*, W.-X Xu, Y. Fan and H.-T. Tsai, 2002. Artificial neural network based predictive method for flood disaster, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 42(2/4),pp 363-372.

[20] Y.-M.Wei*, Q.-H Hu, 1999. Calculations penalties in algorithm of mixed integer programming solving with revised dual simplex method for bounded variables, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 17(5),pp 545-552.

 Selected Research Grants

Project Name

Fund/Funding Organization




Integrated Assessment of Economic Impacts of Climate Change and Its Applications

Major Program supported by NSFC


RM$ 11.5 M

Chief Scientist

Key Technologies for Carbon Neutrality in Beijing Winter Olympics  

National Key R&D Program


RM$ 7.9M

Chief Scientist

Energy Strategy and Climate Policy

Think-Tank Research Program supported by NSFC


RMB$ 1.9M

Chief Scientist

Integrated Assessment of Economic Impacts of Climate Change

National Key R&D Program


RMB$ 24M

Chief Scientist

Energy Economics and Climate Policy

National Innovation Research Team Program supported by NSFC



Chief Scientist/

Team Leader

Policies Research on Carbon Budget

The CAS Strategic Priority Research Program Initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences


RMB$ 15M

Chief Scientist

Low Carbon Development Strategy in YuChun of Helong Jiang Province

Low Carbon Development Strategy Program Initiated by National Development and Reform Commission


RMB$ 1.0M

Chief Scientist

Indicators and Method for Energy Efficiency Assessment on Chinas Regions  

Chinas Energy Saving Program Initiated by World Bank


US$ 60000


Integrated Impact of Climate Change on Society and Economy and the Adaptive Strategy

National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)


RMB$ 4.0M


Analysis and modelling Methods for Impacts of Climate Change on Vulnerability of Social Economic System and their Application

Key International Collaboration Program Initiated by National Nature Science Foundation of China


RMB$ 1.66M

Chief Scientist

The Investigation of global research institutions of Climate Strategy and Policy

National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)


RMB$ 1.5M


Policy Options to engage Emerging Asian economies in a post-Kyoto regime,POEM



EUR $83224


Risk Evaluation and Decision Support System for Oversea Mineral Resources Exploitation

National Key S&T Program Initiated by State Ministry of Science and Technology of China


RMB$ 5.9M

Chief Scientist

Basic Research on Energy Security and Energy Policy

Key Program Initiated by National Nature Science Foundation of China



Program Director

Financial and Invest mental Issues on China’s Energy in 2030-2050

Initiated by the office of the National Energy Leading Group



Program Director

Demand Forecasting for natural gas in China and Policy Research




Program Director

Opportunities and Challenges to China’s Energy Saving Strategy

Initiated by the office of the National Energy Leading Group


RMB $200,000

Program Director

Relationship between Energy Consuming Structure and Energy Efficiency

State Grid


RMB $350,000

Project Leader

Modeling Methodology for Complex System of Resource and Environment and Its Applications

Distinguished Youth Scholar Program Initiated by National Nature Science Foundation of China


RMB $980,000

Program Director

Research on Technology Policy for Petroleum Industries

National Key S&T Program Initiated by State Ministry of Science and Technology of China


RMB $2.6M

Program Director

Multi-objective Model for Sustainable Development

National Key S&T Program Initiated by State Ministry of Science and Technology of China


RMB $500,000

Project Leader

Development of Information Management System for Science Popular

State Ministry of Science and Technology of China


RMB $200,000

Project Leader

Survey for the State R&D Performance Evaluation Methods

State Ministry of Science and Technology of China


RMB $200,000

Project Leader

Research on Strategy of Upstream Petroleum Industries

National Key S&T Program Initiated by State Ministry of Science and Technology of China


RMB $1.9M

Program Director

Risk Evaluation Method and Model for Flood Disaster

Key Program Initiated by National Nature Science Foundation of China


RMB $300,000

Project Leader

Integrated Analysis for the Sustainable Development in China

National Key S&T Program Initiated by State Ministry of Science and Technology of China


RMB $300,000

Projectt Leader

Special Industries Planning in Qinghai Province

Qinghai Province Government


RMB $350,000

Projectt Leader

Multi-objective Policy Analysis Model for well-off Society building in China

China’s Administration Center for Agenda 21


RMB $300,000

Project Leader

Research on Complexity in Flooding Complex System

Program Initiated by National Nature Science Foundation of China


RMB $95,000

Program Director

Complexity in Economic System

Soft-Science Program Initiated by National Nature Science Foundation of China


RMB $50,000

Program Director

Multi-objective Model for the Coordination Development among Population, Resource ,Environment and Economy

Program Initiated by Nature Science Foundation of Beijing


RMB $75,000

Program Director



· President of Chinese Society of Energy Economics and Management of OOPEM,2010-

· Vice President, Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics (OOPEM), 2010-2019.

· Secretary General, Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics (OOPEM), 2000-2010.

· Chairman, Complexity Research Council of Chinese Society for OOPEM 2006-.

· Vice Chairman, Chinese Society of Computer simulation of OOPEM, 1999-.

· Vice Chairman, Energy System Engineering Council of China Energy Research Society, 2007-.

Editorial Positions

· Founding Co-editor-in-chief of Energy and Climate Change, 2019-.

· Associate Editor of Applied Energy, 2010-.

· Associate Editor of Energy Strategy Reviews, 2012-.

· Advisory Board Member of Energy Policy, 2019-.

· Advisory Board Member of Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, 2019-.

· Member of Editorial board of Natural Hazards (NHAZ),2011-

· Area Editor of Journal of Modelling in Management 2015-

· Regional Editor of International Journal of Global Energy Issues,2003-.

· Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2004-.

· Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition),2012-.

· Member of Editorial board of Journal of System Engineering,2012-.

· Member of Editorial board of Chung Yuan Management Review(Taiwan),2012-.

· Member of Editorial board of Petroleum Science,2007-.

· Member of Editorial board of Energy of China, 2004-.

· Member of Editorial board of Journal of Theory and Practice of System Engineering in China, 2008-

· Member of Editorial board of Chinese Journal of Management Science, 2000-.

· Member of Editorial board of Management Review in China, 2004-.

· Member of Editorial board of Journal Management in China, 2004-.

· Member of Editorial board of Sun Yat-sun Management Review(Taiwan),2005-.

· Guest-editor for Energy Strategy Review,2013,2(2):132-270.(Yi-Ming Wei, Xun-Peng Shi, Hua Liao)

· Guest-editor for Natural Hazards,2012,62(1):1-148. (Yi-Ming Wei, Norio Okada ).

· Guest-editor for International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 2008,8(4):333-484. (Yi-Ming Wei, Norio Okada ).

· Guest-editor for Computers and Industrial Engineering (An international Journal), 2007,53(2):199-372. (Wei-Xuan Xu, Yi-Ming Wei, Bao-Guang Xu)

· Guest-editor for International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2004,22(2/3/4):87-266. (Yi-Ming Wei, Hsien-Tan Tsai, Chuan-Hong Chen).

· Guest-editor for Computers and Industrial Engineering (An international Journal), 2004,42(2):193-397. (Wei-Xuan Xu, Yi-Ming Wei, Bao-Guang Xu).

· Guest-editor for Natural Hazards, 2015, 75(S2): 107-397. (Yi-Ming Wei, Ke Wang, Zhao-Hua Wang, Hirokazu Tatano)

· Guest-editor for Natural Hazards, 2016, 84(S1): 1-430. (Yi-Ming Wei, Ke Wang, Hua Liao, Hirokazu Tatano)

 Student Advised

· 78 Master degree students and 50 PhD candidate supervised by Prof.Wei got their degrees since 2003.

· 10 Master degree students and 10 PhD candidates are supervised by Prof.Wei at present.


11/2019-Present:Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)

Distinguished Professor of BIT

Vice President of BIT

Director of BIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research

01/2009-11/2019:Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)

Professor of Changjiang Scholars Program of Ministry of Education of China

Dean of BIT School of Management and Economics

Director of BIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research


Visiting Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University,Taiwan.


Visiting Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University,Taiwan.


Visiting Professor, Harvard University, U.S.A.


Environmental Management Programe, LIFE Academy, Sida, Sweden.


Visiting Professor (Associate), Fujitsu Chair for Science of Complex System, Japan Advanced Institute of Science of Technology.


Professor of Management Science, Institute of Policy and. Management

Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing. China. (02/2001-01/2009).

Deputy Director of Institute of Policy and Management (09/2000-11/2008).

Founding Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research of CASIPM (09/2006-12/2009)

Deputy Director of Forecasting Science Center of CAS (05/2006-)

Director of Department of Management Science (03/1999-05/2001).

Associate Professor of Management Science (05/1998-01/2001).


Post-doctoral Research Fellow, State Key Laboratory Of Resources and Environment Information System (LREIS),Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing. China


Ph.D. Degree of Science, July 1996.

1993/07-1996/05, Department of Resource and Environment, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China.

Master Degree of Science, Nov. 1991.

1989/09-1991/10, Department of Resource and Environment, Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology, Wuhan China.

Bachelor degree of Science, June. 1989.

1985/09-1989/07, Department of Resource and Environment, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, China.

Undergraduate student, Mining Engineering,

Contact Information

Professor Yi-Ming Wei

Vice President, Beijing Institute of Technology

Director, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology

5 South Zhongguanccun Street, Haidian District,

Beijing 100081, China

Tel. / Fax: 0086-10-68918009

E-mail: wei@bit.edu.cn ; ymwei@263.net

Website: ceep.bit.edu.cn