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Qiuju Yin


Qiuju Yin
Professor, Ph.D supervisor
School of management and economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China, 100081
Email: yinqiuju@bit.edu.cn


Management Science and Engineering
Current Research Interests

Social network analysis, e-commerce
information system, mobile health

Education Experience

1998.9 -2003.8, MA and Ph.D., Management Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, China

Work Experience

2013.9-2014.3, Visiting scholar, University of Manchester, UK
2009.8-2010.8, Visiting scholar, Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A.
2003-present, Associate Professor/Lecturer, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
1994-1998, Assistant Engineer, China Oil&Gas Pipeline Bureau, China

Major Papers

[1] Impact of household solid fuel use on blood pressure and hypertension among adults in China. Air Quality Atmosphere & Health. 2016.1-10 (SCI Index)
[2] Can rewiring strategy control the epidemic spreading? PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS. 2015.11(438) (SCI Index)

[3] Empirical study on electric vehicle technology transfer network and its social capital. Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2013.4.
[4] Signaling game commercial platform under asymmetric information. The 6th China Summer Workshop on Information Management.2012(6).
[5] A Social Network Analysis Platform for Organizational Risk Analysis -ORA. 2011 Second International Conference on Intelligent System Design and Engineering Application, 2012(1). (EI index)
[6] Customer behavior based modeling of price dispersion in C2C market. Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology. 2011(9):1127-1130. (EI index)
[7] Study on multi-agent based simulation process of signaling game in e-Commerce 2011. International Conference on Computing, Information and Control. 2011.9.(EI index)
[8] Multi-agent based simulation of credit evolution in C2C market. Computer Engineering and Applications,2011,47(21):68-72.
[9] Signaling game analysis on B2C transaction of online pharmacy. 2011 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government.2011.5(EI index)
[10] Multi-Agent Based Simulation of Negotiate Pricing Process in B2C. 2010 Second Global Congress on Intelligent Systems(GCIS2010), 2010.12(EI index)
[11] Data mining based reduction on credit evaluation index of bank personal customer. 2010 International Conference on Future Information Technology and Management Engineering (FITME2010), 2010.10(EI index)
[12] Study on multi-agent based simulation process of signaling game in e-Commerce. 2010 Second International Conference on E-Learning, E-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and E-Government (EEEE2010), 2010.09 (EI index)

Projects direct/participate

[1] Project Director. Data Collection and Complex Analysis of Market for International Agricultural Products. Funded by China Engineering Science and Technology Knowledge Center. 2015.5-2016.5
[2] Project Director. High-Tech Transfer Path and Its Evolution Pattern Based on Dynamic Network Analysis, Funded By Beijing Nature Science Foundation. 2011.1-2013.12.
[3] Project Director. Study on Signaling Game Commercial Platform Basing on Customer Activities Analysis, Funded By China National Nature Science Foundation. Project Director, 2009.1-2011.12.
[4] Project Director. Study on Signaling Game Modeling Basing on CRM. Funded By Beijing Institute of Technology. 2007.11–2009.1