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Chi Zhang


Chi Zhang

Chi Zhang, Professor of the School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology. She is the associate editor of Applied Energy (IF 11.2), the vice-director of Lancet Countdown Asia Center, and the editorial board member of Environmental Research Letters (IF 6.9). She focuses on cutting-edge problems to promote sustainable development with an interdisciplinary study on climate change, energy transition and emission reduction, management science, and public health. She teaches, advises, and conducts research on sustainable development, China’s economic valuations of climate change and health, environmental economics, energy policy and management, as well as global governance and digital economy. She has published more than 30 peer-reviewed journal papers, including the first/corresponding author papers in the Lancet Public Health, Applied Energy, Energy Conversion and Management etc. She serves as one of the leading authors of the annual China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change. She has published a number of science book chapters, reports and policy briefs. As the leading author, she published the first National Association Standard for public safe outdoor physical activities in China, "Guidelines for outdoor extreme sports and adventure activities in high-temperature weather". She has performed high-level research projects for the National key research and development program and NSFC in China, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency in Sweden. Prof. Zhang has 10 years of experience in organizing international academic conferences and chaired several conferences. She was the assistant editor of the Handbook of Clean Energy Systems (6 Volumes; Wiley).



Professor, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)

2021-present Assistant Dean, School of Global Governance, Beijing Institute of Technology



Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Malardalen University,   Stockholm, Sweden



Doctoral Education in Renewable Energy Economics and Management, Royal Institute of Technology   (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden


M.A., Climate Economics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden


B.S., Economics and Finance, Peking University, P. R. China.


Exchange, Political Economics, Yale University, USA


2022 - Present

Associate Editor of Applied Energy (IF11.2)

2020 - Present

Vice Director of Lancet Countdown Asia Centre

2022 - Present

Editorial Board Member of Environmental Research Letters (IF 6.7)

2015 - Present

Regional Head of International Global Joint Laboratory Cluster UNiLAB

2019 - Present

Session Chair of International Conference on Applied Energy

2013 - 2015

Assistant Editor of Handbook of Clean Energy Systems, 6 Volume Set, Wiley

2015 - Present

Referee of Energy Conversion& Management, Applied Energy, Energy Economics, Journal of Cleaner Production, Ecological Economics, etc.


2021 - Present

Global Competence (Master and MBA)

Climate Change and Sustainable Development   (Master and MBA)

Digital Economy 101 (Undergraduate)

Academic Writing and Public Speech (Master and MBA)

RECENT PUBLICATION LISTS (+Co-First Author *Corresponding Author)

1: S.H Zhang+, C. Zhang+, W.J Cai+., . . . P. Gong* et al., The 2023 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Taking Stock for a Thriving Future. The Lancet Public Health, 2023, ISSN 2468-2667.

2: M.Z Zhao, M.K Zhu, Y.Y Chen, C. Zhang*, W.J Cai*, The Uneven Impacts of Climate Change on China’s Labor Productivity and Economy, Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, Volume 351, 2024, 119707, ISSN 0301-4797.

3: W.J Cai+, C. Zhang+, S.H Zhang+., . . . P. Gong* et al., The 2022 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Leveraging Climate Actions for Healthy Ageing. The Lancet Public Health, 2022, Volume 7, Issue 12, e1073 - e1090

4: C. Zhang, P. Gong*. Healthy China: from words to actions. The Lancet Public Health, Volume 4, 2019, Page 438-439, ISSN 2468-2267

5: W.J Cai+, C. Zhang+, S.H Zhang+., . . . P. Gong* et al., The 2021 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Seizing the Window of Opportunity. The Lancet Public Health, Volume 6, Issue 12, E932-E947, 2021, ISSN 2468-2667

6: W.J Cai+, C. Zhang+, H.P Suen+., . . . P. Gong* et al., The 2020 China Report of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, The Lancet Public Health, 2020, ISSN 2468-2667 (ESI highly cited paper)

7: C. Zhang, W.J. Cai, Z. Liu, YM. Wei, D.B. Guan, Z. Li, J.Y. Yan, P. Gong*. Five Tips for China to Realize its Co-Targets of Climate Mitigation and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Geography and Sustainability. 2020. 245-249

8: W.J Cai+, C. Zhang+, S.H Zhang+., . . . P. Gong* et al., Leveraging Climate Actions for Healthy Ageing, Chinese Science Bulletin. 2023. 33.68. 4472 - 4479

9: W.J Cai+, C. Zhang+, S.H Zhang+., . . . P. Gong* et al., Seizing the Window of Opportunity to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change on the Health of People in China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2023, Volume 68, Issue 15, 2023, Pages 1899-1905, ISSN 0023-074X, https://doi.org/10.1360/TB-2022-0709.

10: W.J Cai+, C. Zhang+, H.P Suen+., . . . P. Gong* et al., Location-Specific Health Impacts of Climate Change Require Location-Specific Responses, Chinese Science Bulletin. 2021. 66, 3925

11: S.H. Zhang, W.J. Cai*, C. Zhang, Margaret. F.F.C Chan, P. Gong. Focus on health for global adaptation to climate change, Nature 618, 457 (2023), doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-01913-1

12: L.J. Ding*; Y.J. Liang; E.CK Tan; Y. Hu; C. Zhang, Y.X Liu, F.Z Xue*, R. Wang*. Smoking, heavy drinking, physical inactivity, and obesity among middle-aged and older adults in China: Cross-sectional findings from the baseline survey of CHARLS 2011–2012, BMC Public Health 20, 1062 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-08625-5

13: C.Q Yu*, X. Huang, H. Chen, H.C. Godfray, J.S. Wright, J. Hall, G. Huang, S.C. Ni, S. Qiao, Y. Xiao, J. Zhang, X. Ju, P. Ciais, Ni. Stenseth, D. Hessen, Z. Sun, L. Yu, W.J. Cai, X.M. Huang, H.H. Fu, Z. Feng, C. Zhang, H.B. Liu, J.Taylor. Managing Nitrogen to Restore Water Quality in China, Nature, volume 567, Pages516–520 (2019)

14: C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, C.X. Liu, K.Wang, J.Y. Yan*, Crowdfunding Preferences for a Sustainable Milk Product with Integrated Photovoltaic Water Pumping System in China, Applied Energy, Volume 255, 2019, 113694, ISSN 0306-2619

15: C. Zhang, M. Wu, J.Y. Chen, K.Y. Chen1, C. Zhang, C. Xie, B. Huang, Z.C He. Weather Visibility Prediction Based on Multimodal Fusion. IEEE Access PP (99):1-1 June 2019 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2920865.

16: C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, J. Yang, C.Q. Yu, J.Y. Yan*. Economic Assessment of Photovoltaic Water Pumping Integration with Dairy Milk Production, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol 177, 2018, Pages 750-764, ISSN 0196-8904.

17: C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, J. Yang, J.Y. Yan*, Economic performance of photovoltaic water pumping systems with business model innovation in China, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 133, 2017, Pages 498-510, ISSN 0196-8904,

18: C. Zhang*, J.Y. Yan*, CDM’s influence on technology transfers: A study of the implemented clean development mechanism projects in China, Applied Energy, Volume 158, 2015, Pages 355-365, ISSN 0306-2619

19: S. Zhang, M. Zhao, Z. Liu, F. Yang, B. Lu, Z. Zhao, K. Gu, S. Zhang, M. Lei, C. Zhang, and W. Wang, W. Cai. City-level population projection for China under different pathways from 2010 to 2100. Scientific Data, 2023, 10(1), p.809.

20:  F.H. Yao, Y.P. Zeng, R. Zhang*, C. Zhang*. Estimating Heat-related physical activity loss in China in the Context of Climate Change:1986-2021. Energy Proceedings. 2022, accepted

21:  B. Li, Y.X. Zhang, C. Zhang*. Evaluating the stranded assets of coal power units in China under the constraint of carbon emission. Energy Proceedings. 2022, accepted

22:   Y.C. Zhao, Z.Q. Liu, Y.P. Zeng, C. Zhang*. Assessing the Impact of the Aging on Carbon Emissions in China. Energy Proceedings. 2022, accepted

23: Y. Xian, K. Wang*, X. Shi, C. Zhang, Y.M. Wei, Z. Huang. Carbon emissions intensity reduction target for China’s power industry: An efficiency and productivity perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 197, Part 1, 2018, Pages 1022-1034, ISSN 0959-6526

24: K. Wang*, K. Yang, Y.M. Wei, C. Zhang. Shadow prices of direct and overall carbon emissions in China’s construction industry: a parametric directional distance function-based sensitive estimation. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics,2018

25: K. Wang*, J. Wang, Y. M. Wei, C. Zhang. A novel dataset of emission abatement sector extended input-output table for environmental policy analysis, Applied Energy, 2018, 231: 1259-1267

26: X. Liu, L. Yu*, Y.L Si, C. Zhang, C.Q Yu, P. Gong. Identifying patterns and hotspots in global land cover transitions using the ESA CCI Land Cover dataset. Remote Sensing Letters, 9(10), 972-981. 2018

27: Y. Ding*, C.Z. Shao, J.Y. Yan, C. Zhang, Y.H Song, C.X Guo. Economical Flexibility Options for Integrating Fluctuating Wind Energy in Power Systems: The Case of China, Applied Energy, 228, 2018 426-436

28: C. Zhang*, P.E. Campana, C.X. Liu, Y. Zhang, J.Y. Zhang, J.Y. Yan. Purchase Intention for Crowd-funded Milk Products with Integrated Photovoltaic Water Pumping Systems in China. Energy Procedia, 2019, pp.503-508

29: C. Zhang, Chapter Author Climate Change and Public Health, Climate Change Report 2021: Climate Change Green Paper氣候變化與公共健康,應對氣候變化報告(2021)氣候變化綠皮書I S B N: 978-7-5201-9307-8

30: W.R. Xu*, C.L. Li, M.H. Lee, C. Zhang. Multi-task Learning for Abstractive Text Summarization with Key Information Guide Network. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2020, pp.1-11

31: G. Gao, K. Wang*, C. Zhang, Y.M. Wei. Synergistic Effects of Environmental Regulations on Carbon Productivity Growth in China's Major Industrial Sectors. Natural Hazards, 2019, PP.55-72


Research Projects


Study on Climate Change Mitigation with Environmental Treatment and Population Health Co-benefits under China’s Urbanization Process (Principal investigator)


Fellowship Overseas High-level Talent Youth Program in China (Principal investigator)


Research on the Cooperative Development of Resource-Environment-Economics Mechanism and the Pathway to Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality in China (Key Member)

2023-2025 Research on Mechanism Innovation and Policy Optimization for Collaboratively Promoting Carbon Reduction, Pollution Reduction and Green Growth (Sub-project leader)


Energy and Water Nexus and Key Technologies of Efficient Green Utilization (Key Member)  


Research on Key Technologies of CCHP Microgrid System in Urban Park Based on Renewable Energy of China (Key Member)


Technology Transfer and Commercialization of PV Water Pumping in Cooperation between Sweden and China funded by Swedish Agency (Key Member)  


Demonstration and Scale-Up of Photo-voltaic Solar Water Pumping for the Conservation of Grassland and Farmland in China. funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Key Member)

Conference Presentations


Forum of the Economics of Ecology, Environment and Climate Change
2023 High-end Forum on Strategic Development of Natural Resources


Climate Change Science Conference

2022 Applied Energy Symposium: MIT A+B

The 4th World Science & Technology Development Forum

2021 UCL China Week: Our Planet, People Health Impacts of Climate Change
2021 International Conference of Applied Energy


International Conference of Applied Energy


Renewable Energy Integration Conference


International Conference of Applied Energy


Renewable Energy Integration Conference


International Conference of Applied Energy


International Conference of Applied Energy


Technology and Commerce Section, Embassy of Sweden in China

Awards & Merits


Computer Software Copyright:   Extreme Heat Weather Outdoor Physical Activity Risk Evaluation Application


Shunjiang MBA Faculty Award


UNDP Sustainable Development Goals Movers Certificate


Oxford Prospects and Global Development Professional Development Programm for Teaching and Learning Certificate


University of Adelaide Training in Teaching Methodology Enhancement Program Certificate


1st Global Competency Beijing Workshop Outstanding Coach Award


Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) & Beisen Career Facilitator


Innovation and Entrepreneurship Higher Education Faculty


Published 1st National Association Standard in China, "Guidelines for outdoor extreme   sports and adventure activities in high-temperature weather"

2022 One of the policy   suggestions was absorbed into the 2022 Work Priorities of the National “Healthy China Action Plan”.


Outstanding Talents Award at the Beijing Institute of Technology


Overseas High-level Talent Youth Program Recipient


Global SWFF Award Finalist Award (supported by the U.S., Sweden and Netherlands Government)   (Group Project)


Global Human Settlements Award (supported by UNEP) (Group Project)


Best Ph.D. Research Pitch in KTH


Best Ph.D. Research Pitch in KTH

2013 - 2023

Recommend conference paper of ICAE (2023, 2022, 2021, 2016, 2014, 2013)


Chi Zhang

School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology

Add: Room 305, Main Building, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, 100081, China

Tel: + 86-10-6891 2070 Email: zhangchi@bit.edu.cn