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Ximing Yin

Professor Ximing YIN, Ph.D.


        Dr. Ximing YIN receives his Bachelor and PhD degrees from the School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. From Sept. 2017 to Oct. 2018, he was a Visiting Scholar at SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University, awarded by the China Scholarship Council. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China. He is also a part-time Researcher at Tsinghua University Research Center of Technological Innovation, and China Center for Public Sector Economy Research at Jilin University. Dr. Yin holds the mission of formalizing the curiosity on the research of innovation and diffusion for the sustainable firm, national and global development. His research focus on innovation economics, digitalization, entrepreneurship, technology commercialization and sustainable development. His teaching interests include innovation management, digital innovation management and university technology commercialization.

       Dr. Yin has published more than 40 academic papers on the leading peer review journals and conferences in innovation economics and management field, including Management and Organization Review (MOR), Academy of Management(AOM), International Conference on Information System(ICIS), Journal of Rural Studies, Chinese Management Studies, China Soft Science, and Chinese Journal of Management. He is a member of Academy of Management(AOM), International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR) and peer reviewer of leading journals including International Journal of Innovation Studies, Chinese Management Studies, and International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies. He is also the junior editorial board member of the International Journal of Innovation Studies.

       Dr. Yin’s current projects are "Academic Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer", “Equality and Community Entrepreneurship”, "Digital innovation and firm competence", "Rural Innovation System" and “Management of Disruptive Innovation such as AI, Bio-science and Digital Technology”.

        Dr. Yin is a marathon runner as well as social entrepreneur and has funded Tsinghua Morning Jogging Club, Tsinghua Winter Swimming Association, Grandparent’s Reading Club, and Plogging China Social Movement.

Education Background

2015.09-2020.07  School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Ph.D., Advisor Committee Member: CHEN Jin (Chair), LI Jizhen, WANG Yi

2017.09-2018.10 SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University, New York, USA

Visiting Scholar, Advisor: Wesley Sine

2011.09-2015.07 School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Bachelor in Economics & Finance(International Class)

2013.07-2013.12  Business School, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore    

Academic Exchange Student

Selected Publications

1. Chen Jin, Yin Ximing*, Fu Xiaolan, McKern Bruce. Could China Be the Next Innovation Powerhouse? The Lessons and Challenges of China’s Innovation Catching-up. Industrial and Corporate Change, 2021, Forthcoming. (SSCI, IF2021:2.0, JCRQ1)

2. Zheng Lu, Ren Jie, Cao Likun, Li Xibao, Yin Ximing, Chen Jin. How Venture Capital Firms Choose Syndication Partners: The Moderating Effects of Institutional Uncertainty and Investment Preference. Management and Organization Review, 2021, Forthcoming. (SSCI, IF2021:3.4, JCR Q1)

3. Ximing Yin, Ryan Coles*, Jin Chen. “Let’s Bring Innovation into the Bottom of the Pyramid Together”: Introducing the Anti-Poverty Innovation Approach. Chapter 1 in World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Sustainability, Ethics and Entrepreneurship on the Sustainable Development Goals. 2021, Forthcoming.

4. Jizhen Li, Ximing Yin*, Subrina Shen. China’s Science-Based Innovation and Technology Transfer in the Global Context. Chapter 4.2 in Oxford Handbook of China Innovation,2021, Forthcoming. Oxford University Press.

5. Xiaolan F, Bruce M, Jin C, Ximing Yin. Innovation in China: Past, Present and Future Prospect. Chapter 8 in Oxford Handbook of China Innovation, 2021, Forthcoming. Oxford University Press.

6. Guo, Y., Yin Ximing*, Liu, D., & Xu, S. X. “She is not just a computer”: Gender Role of AI Chatbots in Debt Collection. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) Proceedings, 2020. https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2020/hci_artintel/hci_artintel/20

7. Hai, B., Yang, J., & Yin Ximing*. Does Stock Liquidity Kill Innovation Investment? Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2020(1), 20728. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.20728abstract

8. Chen Jin, Yin Ximing*, Li Jizhen. Firm innovation system: Paths for enhancing corporate indigenous innovation capability. Frontiers of Engineering Management. 2020,7(3):404-412. (ESCI, IF2019:2.41)

9. Yin Ximing*, Chen Jin, Li Jizhen. Rural Innovation System: Revitalize the Countryside for a Sustainable Development. Journal of Rural Studies. 2019, Forthcoming. (SSCI, IF2019:3.3, CS:3.7, JCRQ1)

10. Shen, X., Sine, W., Yin Ximing, Shane, S., Armanios, D. E., Eesley, C. E., Lee, Y. S., McKelvey, M., Perkmann, M., Phillips, N., & Roach, M. (2018). Institutional Approach to Academic Entrepreneurship and University Technology Commercialization. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), 17199. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2018.17199symposium

11. Yin Ximing*, Hai Ben-lu, Chen Jin. Financial Constraints and R&D Investment: The Moderating Role of CEO Characteristics. Sustainability, 2019, 11(15), 4153. (SSCI, IF2018:2.6, CS:3.0, JCRQ2)

12. Yin Ximing, Chen Jin*, Zhao Chuang*. Double Screen Innovation: Building Core Competence through Knowledge Management. Sustainability, 2019, 11(16): 4266. (SSCI, IF2018:2.6, CS:3.0,JCRQ2)

13. Hu Xiaoting, Yin Ximing*, Jin Zhanming, Li Jizhen. How Do International M&As Affect Rival Firm’s Performance? -- Empirical Evidence from an Emerging Market. Sustainability. 2020,12(04),1318. (SSCI, IF2018:2.6, CS:3.0, JCR Q2)

14. Hai Ben-lu, Qingzhu Gao, Yin Ximing*. R&D Volatility and Market Value: The Role of Executive Overconfidence. Chinese Management Studies. 2019,14(02):411-431. (SSCI, IF2019:1.8, CS:2.2)

15. Chen Jin, Yin Ximing* & Mei Liang. Holistic Innovation: An Emerging Innovation Paradigm. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 2018,2(1), 1–13.

Selected Conference Presentations

1. Could China Be the Next Innovation Powerhouse? The Lessons and Challenges of China’s Innovation Catching-up. Guest Speaker at China Center for Public Sector Economy Research at Jilin University,2021.5.13

2. Guo Yiting, Yin Ximing*, Liu De, Xu Xin. Effect of AI Chatbots′ Gender in the Business Context: Empirical Evidence from Debt Collection. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management(AOM), 2021.07,29-08.04, Accepted.

3. Guo Y, Yin Ximing*, Liu D, Xu X. “She is not just a computer”: Gender Role of AI Chatbots in Debt Collection. International Conference on Information Systems(ICIS), 2020, Accepted.

4. Hai Ben-lu, Yang Junxiao, Yin Ximing*. Does Stock Liquidity Kill Innovation Investment? —— Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms. The 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2020.08,07-11, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

5. SHEN X, Yin Ximing*, SINE W D, LI J, CHEN J. High-Status Nonconformity Revisited: Status Competition and University Technology Licensing in China: 2009–2016. Annual Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research(IACMR), 2020, 06, 17-21. Xi’an, China.

6. HAI B, Yin Ximing*, LI H. More Innovation, More Money? Innovation Performance, Financial Constraints, and Financial Performance. The 79th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management(AOM),2019.08,09-13, Boston,USA.

7. Ryan Coles, Yin Ximing, Wesley Sine. Equality and the Spirit of Capitalism: The Impact of Income Equality on Entrepreneurship. The 79th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management(AOM),2019.08,09-13, Boston,USA.

8. SHEN X, Yin Ximing*, Wesley S, LI J., CHEN J. Play it Safe or Try Something New: How Prospect of Status Change Affect Licensing of University Technology Overtime in China? Academy of Management Specialized Conference(AOM),2018/12, Tel Aviv, Israel.

9. SHEN X, Yin Ximing*, SINE W D, LI J, CHEN J. Play it Safe or Try Something New: How Prospect of Status Change Affect Licensing of University Technology Overtime in China? The 78th Annual Meeting of Academic of Management (AOM).2018.08,09-13, Chicago,USA.

10. Yin Ximing.Technology Transfer in China. Tsinghua IGI Sino-Europe Innovation Workshop “China’s innovation and technology transfer in the context of globalization and the new industrial revolution”. Beijing, China, 2019.12.18.

11. CHEN J, Yin Ximing *. Could China Be the Next Innovation Powerhouse? Industrial and Corporate Change Annual Conference, 2019/5, Beijing, China.

On-going Projects

1. Shen Subrina, Yin Ximing*, Wesley David Sine, Li Jizhen, Chen Jin. High-Status Nonconformity Revisited: Status Competition and University Technology Licensing in China: 2009–2016. Organization Science, under reviewing.

2. Ryan Coles, Yin Ximing, Wesley Sine. Equality and the Spirit of Capitalism: The Impact of Income Equality on Entrepreneurship. Administrative Science Quarterly, under reviewing.

3. Hai Ben-lu, Yin Ximing*, Xiong Jie, Chen Jin. Could more innovation output bring better financial performance? The role of financial constraints. International Journal of Technology Management, under reviewing.

4. Yin Ximing*, Ryan Coles, Wesley David Sine, Shen Subrina, Li Jizhen, Chen Jin. “MAKE ME A BELIEVER”: When Do Normative Institutions Encourage Entrepreneurial Activity in Communities? Status: Drafting. Target Journal: Academy of Management Journal.

5. Yin Ximing*, Wesley David Sine, Shen Subrina, Li Jizhen, Chen Jin. Complement or Compete? How Firm’s Absorptive Capacity Influence Technology Market Transaction and University Technology Transfer. Status: Data exploration and drafting. Target Journal: Strategic Management Journal.

6. Yin Ximing*, Xia Jun, Jiao Jie. Licensing Speed: How Institutional and Environmental Factors affect University Technology Commercialization. Status: Data exploration and empirical analysis. Target Journal: Strategic Management Journal.  

Research Experiences

2021.05- Research Center of Public Sector Economy, Jilin University, Researcher

2020.07- Research Center of Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University, Associate Researcher

2015.12-2020.07 China’s Development Research Centre of the State Council, Research Assistant

2017.09-2018.10 Cornell University Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Center, Research Assistant, work with Director and Prof. Wesley Sine

2014.06-2014.12  Business School, National University of Singapore (NUS), Research Assistant work with Dean and Prof. YEUNG Yin Bernard

2013.07-2013.12  Asia Research Institute (ARI) , National University of Singapore (NUS), Research Assistant, work with Prof. YEUNG Wei-Jun Jean

2013.06-2015.06 Financial Department, University of Hong Kong, China, Research Assistant, work with Prof. Xu Chenggang,

Teaching Experiences

Dr. Yin holds excellent teaching and TA experiences among undergraduate, master, Ph.D and MBA classes at Tsinghua University, Cornell University and Beijing Institute of Technology, both in Chinese and English, including Innovation Management, Digital Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship Management, Cross-cultural Strategic Management, International Management, Technology Commercialization.

Industrial Experiences

2015.01-2018.09  Founder of Tsinghua Morning Jogging Club, Tsinghua Winter Swimming Association

2015.09-2020.07  Tsinghua x-lab (Tsinghua University innovation and entrepreneurship hub), Advisor

2015.07-2015.09  BASF, Innovation Consulting Intern, Shanghai, China

2014.06-2014.08  GO HIGH Fund, Investment Analysis Intern, Beijing, China

2014.01-2014.03 Metallurgical Corporation of China Ltd (MCC), Business Strategy Intern, Beijing, China

2013.12-2014.01 StratOp Group Company, Investment Consulting Intern, Beijing, China

Contact Information

Professor Ximing YIN

Add: 5 South Zhongguanccun Street, Haidian District, Beijing 100081, China

E-mail: yxm11@tsinghua.org.cn