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[Expert Opinion] We will explore a new model of docking between agriculture and supermarkets to stimulate new drivers of rural revitalizatio

Xinhua Finance Beijing, March 16: Explore a new model of agricultural and supermarket docking to stimulate new drivers of rural revitalization

"China is strong, agriculture must be strong; China is beautiful, the countryside must be beautiful; China is rich, farmers must be rich.". The connection between farmers and supermarkets refers to the new circulation mode in which farmers can directly supply agricultural products to supermarkets, vegetable markets and convenience stores by signing intention agreements with merchants. It is an innovative application of modern supply chain in a larger scope.In the context of regular COVID-19 prevention and control, many places in China have successfully solved the problem of unsalable agricultural products through the "agricultural and supermarket docking" mode, and stabilized the "vegetable basket" of residents.The docking model of agriculture and supermarkets has gradually shown its adaptability in the Chinese market, played a strong driving force to promote the integration of production and marketing, and achieved a win-win situation among agriculture, business and customer.However, many pain points of the localization of the new mode are also increasingly prominent. China's agricultural and supermarket docking mode is small in scale, scattered in distribution, disorderly in distribution and slow in development. The proportion of direct sales of agricultural products is still obviously lagging behind the average level of developed countries.In this context, it is necessary to analyze the new challenges in the development of agriculture and supermarkets in China, and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.

I. New challenges facing China's agricultural and supermarkets docking model

1. Supply chain logistics and distribution system is not perfect.

2. Low degree of management organization.

3. Information distortion and asymmetry.

4. Downstream scale effect is not obvious.

5. The income distribution mechanism is uncoordinated.

II. Suggestions on innovation and development of China's agricultural and supermarket docking model

1. Develop the "Internet +" agricultural and supermarket docking model, and improve the supply chain logistics system of agricultural and supermarket docking.

2. Promote the combination of industries, universities and research institutes, strengthen the technical assistance to farmers in agricultural production, and enhance their ability and awareness of standardized agricultural production,

3. Promote the construction of agricultural products database and improve information transparency.

4. Actively apply the new retail model to improve the downstream supermarket profitability.

5. Strengthen the supervision of agricultural products market and enhance the enthusiasm of farmers to participate.

(Author: Li Guo, Professor and doctoral supervisor, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology; Wu Huamin, PhD candidate, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology)