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Professor Wei Yiming's team propose the first global layout of carbon capture, storage and utilization

Professor Wei Yiming, Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, Beijing Institute of Technology, has made important progress in the layout of carbon capture, storage and utilization. On January 5, 2021, the research results “A proposed global layout of carbon capture and storage in line with a 2°C climate target”, was published online in Nature Climate Change in the form of a Research Article. For the first time in the world, this paper proposes a global CCUS layout scheme to achieve the goal of 2 degrees temperature control, which is a breakthrough for deep global co-ordinated emissions reductions, and of great significance to achieving China's 2060 carbon neutralization goal.

This work is one of the series achievements of climate engineering management research carried out by Professor Wei Yiming's team. Earlier, Professor Wei Yiming’s team published 5 research papers in Nature Energy, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications , Nature Sustainability and other "Nature" sub-journals.

Paper Download Link https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-020-00960-0