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The 2022 (14th) Young Scholars Academic Symposium is successfully held

On December 31, the School of Management and Economics 2022 (14th) Young Scholars Academic Symposium was held online. After nearly a month of review, a total of 14 young teachers were selected to report at the seminar, which attracted more than 150 young teachers, postdoctoral students, master and doctoral students to participate.

At the beginning of the seminar, Vice President Wei Yiming, on behalf of the university, expressed a warm welcome to all the experts, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the school and the programs for their help. He said that Beijing Institute of Technology has completed the first round of "double first-class" construction task with high quality, and made a brief introduction to the achievements made in the development of discipline construction, talent training, faculty construction, scientific and technological innovation and other aspects. He pointed out that the Academic Symposium for Young Scholars is a brand event of the School of Management and Economics of Beijing Institute of Technology. It has been held for 14 years since 2009. In the past 14 years, with the support and help of the experts, the young teachers have made continuous progress. Many of the outstanding young teachers selected through the seminar have achieved excellent academic achievements and been awarded the title of academic talents. I also hope that all the young teachers can continue to work hard to continuously enhance their academic level, improve their academic quality, and achieve better results.

Then, 14 young teachers from programs of management science and engineering, business management, and applied economics reported their representative research over the past year. Expert reviewers assessed and gave improvement Suggestions from the topic novelty, content completeness, method innovation, feasibility and rationality. At the same time young scholars' academic level, expression ability and other comprehensive qualities were also reviewed and commented. After reviewing, 3 special prizes, 5 first prizes and 6 second prizes were selected.

Finally, Secretary Yan Zhijun once again expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the experts for their participation and support, affirmed all the young teachers for their wonderful reports and hard work, and thanked the conference affairs team for their careful arrangement. We look forward to the better performance of the young teachers next year and make greater contributions to the development of the School!