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School of Management Party Committee Holds 2023 Annual Party Branch Secretary's On-Site Report and Evaluation Workshop

The School of Management Party Committee has earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on party building, and important discussions on strengthening party building in higher education institutions. To enhance the organizational strength, cohesion, and creativity of grassroots party organizations, the School of Management Party Committee organized the 2023 annual party branch secretary's grassroots party building report meeting on the afternoon of February 28, 2024, in the main building's Room 240. Attendees included Party Secretary Yan Zhijun, Deputy Party Secretary and Deputy Dean Peng Mingxue, Party Committee Members Zhang Xiang, Gao Ang, and Zhang Lingxiang, along with representatives of faculty and students, and all student and faculty party branch secretaries. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Party Secretary and Deputy Dean Peng Mingxue.

The 39 student and faculty party branches of the school strictly followed the reporting requirements, focusing on the implementation of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the construction and effectiveness of party branches, the development of the party member team, the fulfillment of the party branch secretary's duties, and the identification and resolution of problems. Twenty party branch secretaries presented their work reports and shared their experiences and practices from the past year.

Party committee members in attendance engaged in on-site questioning, discussion, and feedback with each party branch secretary regarding their reports.

On behalf of the school’s party committee, Peng Mingxue expressed gratitude for the hard work of all student and faculty party branch secretaries over the past year. Through this annual reporting conference, secretaries can learn from each other. In 2024, with the implementation of rectification measures and considering the characteristics of branch members, the party branch committees will plan and formulate new semester work plans, integrating the evaluation work of the national benchmark departments. The experiences, methods, and role models developed in the specific work of all student and faculty party branches will strongly support the school's "Double First-Class" construction.

Yan Zhijun, representing the school party committee, provided work suggestions and expectations for the student and faculty party branch secretaries: First, party branch secretaries should further enhance their work reflection and performance capabilities. The school party committee will continue to empower the party branch secretaries and branch committees through regular mechanisms such as the secretary roundtable and Red Lecture Hall, achieving dual improvement in the standardization of party branch construction and the capabilities of branch committees. Second, the school party committee will continue to support thematic party day activities and distinctive party building brand activities. Through various forms such as joint student-faculty branches, school-enterprise co-construction, inter-school co-construction, and party-group co-construction, the content of branch thematic party days will be enriched. Third, student and faculty party branches should further play their role as battle fortresses, closely focusing on discipline construction and talent cultivation, actively integrating internal and external party building and ideological resources, serving the growth and development of faculty and students, and promoting the construction of the school's "Double First-Class" initiative.

Finally, the attendees conducted an on-site evaluation of the report performances of all student and faculty party branch secretaries.