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Deng Wenhao wins the first prize of the second "Healthcare Management and Policy Frontier" Young Scholars Forum and is invited to give an or

In the second "Healthcare Management and Policy Frontier" Young Scholars Forum, Deng Wenhao, a doctoral student (tutor: Associate Professor Yang Tian'an), won the thesis first prize and was invited to give a report on the conference. The paper is titled Investigating Factors Influencing Medical Practitioners' Resistance to and Adoption of Internet Hospitals in China: Mixed Methods Study.

The "Healthcare Management and Policy Frontier" Young Scholars Forum was hosted by the Institute of Management of West China Hospital, Sichuan University, and was held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province on October 26-27,2023. Nearly 100 industry experts and scholars attended the conference. In the agenda of the conference, well-known experts and scholars analyzed the development of health management and policy, the medical service and operation management mode of public hospitals, and the new direction of future health policy and governance, and shared their excellent achievements and experiences. Deng Wenhao, as a representative of award winners of the conference, called for promoting the sustainable and high-quality development of Internet hospitals in China from the perspective of innovative health human resource management, which was highly evaluated by the experts attending the meeting. The forum was reviewed by experts, with 2 first prizes, 5 second prizes and 9 third prizes. The winners were from Peking University, Tsinghua University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Fudan University, Wuhan University, Renmin University of China and other domestic double first-class universities.