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Professor Xu Suxiu of Jinan University Gives Talk

  At the afternoon of May 25, 2017, at the invitation of the School of Management and Economics of Beijing Institute of Technology, Professor Xu Suxiu of Jinan University gave an academic report entitled "Price-compatible matching processes for carrier collaboration" in the conference room 216 of the main building.


  Professor Xu Suxi is now teaching at Jinan University, the United States INFORMS member, the United States IISE member. The research direction mainly includes: intelligent logistics service network optimization, auction and mechanism design, and operation management. Professor Xu co-chaired and participated in a series of national and multinational enterprise projects, including: Hong Kong RGC GRF project, P & G SNIC project, the National Natural Science Foundation umbrella project, and the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund; As the first author or corresponding author, he published 11 papers in A + / A international journals, of which 8 published in the field of logistics and operational management A + international journals, such as Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part B, IIE Transactions. Since 2013, the papers have been cited nearly 150 times.