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Energy Economic and Environmental Management Beijing Key Laboratory Appoints Academic Committee

       August 18, 2017, Beijing Municipal Key Laboratory of Energy Economics and Environmental Management Academic Committee set-up meeting and the National Natural Science Foundation think tank research project seminar was held in Beijing Institute of Technology. More than 20 experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the National Energy Board, Tsinghua University, the National Development Institute Energy Research Institute, the Ministry of Communications, the National Grid, PetroChina as well as Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission Yang Renquan, Beijing Municipal Construction Committee deputy director Feng KeLiang, Beijing Institute of Technology Commission for Discipline Inspection secretary Yang Zhihong attended the meeting. Professor Wang Zhaohua, Party Secretary of the School of Management and Economics, hosted the appointment ceremony. The academic committee director Peng Suping presided over the think tank project seminar.


       Dr. Yang Zhihong, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Beijing Institute of Technology, delivered a welcoming speech on behalf of the school. The Chairman of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Yang Renquan, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Professor Tang Baojun, Vice Dean of the School of Management and Economics, read out the list of academic committees and the list of laboratory directors and deputy directors. Yang Zhihong presented the letter of appointment to the director of the academic committee, the deputy director and the members.