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Professor Ernesto DR Santibanez Gonzalez, University of Tarka, Chile, Visits


        On September 14, 2017, Prof. Ernesto DR Santibanez Gonzalez from the University of Talca, Chile, was invited to visit the School of Management and Economics of Beijing Institute of Technology and gave a lecture entitled "Mitigating climate change: A discussion on some operations research approaches". A number of teachers and students attended the academic report. The report was hosted by Professor Ju Yanbing.

In the report, Professor Ernesto DR Santibanez Gonzalez emphasized the importance of carbon emissions to mitigate climate change and shared two papers published by his research team in the Journal of Cleaner Production and Applied Mathematical Modeling "Low carbon economy and equitable society: production, supply chain, and operations management perspectives "and" Modeling Logistics Service Providers in a Non-Cooperative Supply Chain " to discuss two issues related to climate change strategies. First, a strategy to reduce carbon emissions was analyzed, and a mathematical model of carbon pricing proposed by their research team was discussed. Then, a closed-loop strategy was proposed to reduce waste and carbon emissions, and how the closed-loop strategy affects the pricing of products was discussed.

         After the report, Prof. Ernesto DR Santibanez Gonzalez held a lively discussion with teachers and students of the School of Management and Economics. Subsequently, Professor Ernesto DR Santibanez Gonzalez gave a brief introduction to the third Global Conference on Theory and Applications of OR/OM for Sustainability (GCTAOS) to be held in 2019. Finally, Professor Ernesto DR Santibanez Gonzalez visited Beijing Key Laboratory of Energy Economics and Environmental Management under the School of Management and Economics.