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Researcher Dr. Mi ZhiFu, University College London, Visits


  November 16, 2017, at 15:00, Dr. Mi ZhiFu, University of London, UK, was invited to visit and give an academic report entitled "Chinese reversing emission flows". The report was hosted by Yu Biying, and a number of teachers and students participated in the report.
  Dr. Mi ZhiFu is currently a tenure researcher at the School of Architecture and Project Management at the University College London, UCL. He is also Associate Editor of the Journal of Cleaner Production (Impact Factor 5.715), and winner of Best PhD paper in Chinese Economics. His research interests include climate change economics, energy policy and input-output analysis. Over the past five years, more than 20 SCI / SSCI papers have been published in Nature Communications (Impact Factor 12.124) and other journals. Among them, 4 are highly cited papers in ESI and 2 ESI hot papers, and some papers were rated by Applied Energy 2016 Highly cited original thesis.
  In today's report, Dr. Mi Zhi Fu introduced his latest research progress in analyzing the carbon flows implied in the trade under the changes of China's economic development model after the financial crisis.