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The 3rd SME Young Scholars Symposium Successfully Held

  December 24, 2011, at 8:30, the 3rd SME Young Scholars Review Symposium was successfully held at Lecture Hall 241 in Main Building. Dean Professor Wei Yiming, Deputy Dean Professor Peiwu Dong, Associate Dean Professor Wang Zhaohua, and Assistant  Dean Professor Shufang Xiao, Assistant Dean Professor Zhi-Jun Yan, Zhang Kai, Professor of Renmin University of China, Professor Liu Shancun from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics formed the Review Panel. Assistant Dean Professor Zhi-Jun Yan hosted the meeting. A total of 11 young scholars, standing out from the December 17th department-level reviewing, entered this final school-level competition.

  Ultimately, the review panel experts selected two first prize, two second prize and four Excellence Awards and awarded honorary certificates to the five winning young scholars.