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Mr. Zhao Weigang Gives Report

  On March 20th, 2018, Mr. Zhao Weigang of the Department of Management Engineering made an academic report titled "Impacts of shifting China's final energy consumption to electricity on CO2 emission reduction" in the main building 418. More than 10 teachers and several Ph.D. Students participated in the report meeting.

  Zhao Weigang first briefly introduced the relevant policy background for promoting electrification of terminal energy consumption in China, elaborated the contradiction between China's electrification and power supply structure from the perspective of carbon emission reduction, and then introduced how to achieve carbon emission reduction and economic growth when implementing electrification policies. Then, Zhao Weigang, in response to this issue, introduced the relevant literature, modeling process, and data processing in turn, focusing on the problems encountered in the modeling process and their solutions. Finally, the model's calculation result and its actual meaning are analyzed and explained. Then the policy recommendations are put forward.


  The teachers participating in the academic sharing conference conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions with Zhao Weigang on the subject of the report, and exchanged opinions and suggestions with Zhao Weigang on power supply structure, modeling process, and policy advice.