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NSFC International (Sino-German) Cooperation Research Project Launches


  Recently, the NSFC International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Project undertaken by the Center's Associate Professor Hao Yu, “Energy and Environmental Transformation in China and Germany for Sustainable Development” (No. 71761137001) has been officially launched. The project was led by the Energy and Environmental Policy Research Center of Beijing Institute of Technology. The Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission and Tsinghua University participated in the cooperation. The German side was led by the Wuppertal Institute. The implementation period of the project was January 2018 to December 2020.

  On March 12, 2018, the launch meeting of the project was held in Beijing Hubei Building. The project leader of China side: Associate Professor Hao Yu, Research Center for Energy and Environment, Beijing Institute of Technology, Prof. Liao Hua, Associate Professor Wang Ke and Associate Professor Liu Wenling; Leader of Germany, Prof. Manfred Fischedick, Deputy Director of the Ubedar Institute, and Chun Xia- Dr. Bauer, Dr. Thomas Fink, and Mr. Thorsten Koska; Researcher Kang Yanbing, Deputy Director of Energy Development Research Center, National Development and Reform Commission, China; Research Associate Xiong Xiaoping; Assistant Researcher Liao Hongyun; Associate Professor Zhou Sheng, Tsinghua University, etc. attended the startup meeting. Experts and scholars attending the meeting conducted full discussions and exchanged views in depth on the topics of research, programs, progress and cooperation. The project launch meeting was a complete success.