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Prof. Philip Shapira from the University of Manchester, UK, gives report


  On the afternoon of May 11th, 2018, at the invitation of the Knowledge Management and Data Analysis Laboratory, the head of the UK-China Technical Innovation Joint Laboratory Professor Philip Shapira from the Business School of the University of Manchester, gave a talk entitled "International University Research Ventures : Emergence, Institutionalization, and Implications” in the main building Room 317.

  Prof. Philip Shapira focused on the institutionalization of current research centers and foreign relations partners and discussed the current status of research universities in establishing new knowledge nodes and humanities exchange networks in the world. The research conducted a macro analysis of the network data and case studies obtained, and explored the impact and challenges of the development of IURV on knowledge generation, human capital, international development, and university trajectory.

  At the end of the report, the participating teachers and students and Professor Philip Shapira conducted in-depth discussions on relevant research and benefited a lot.