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Professor Zhao Yan from Shanghai University Gives Report


  At 9:00 am on May 19, 2018, at the invitation of the Knowledge Management and Data Analysis Laboratory, Prof. Zhao Yan from Shanghai University conducted an academic report titled "Innovation and Change: History and Revelation" in Room 418 of the main building. The report included five typical and vivid examples of "Detection of DNA Double Helix Models", "Invention of Airplanes", "Appearance of Ford Model T Vehicles", "Renaissance", and "The Production of the Bill of Rights of the British Parliament". Focusing on the five aspects of scientific innovation, technological innovation, industrial innovation, cultural innovation, and institutional innovation, the report reviewed the background, processes, roles, and inevitability of different innovations, and explored the inspiration and value of different types of innovation. Finally, Prof. Zhao answered the questions of classmates and teachers, and everyone said that they had benefited a lot.