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The School of Management and Economics Commission for Work and Development organizes a series of activities on the theme of “Remembering the glories, Reminiscing the stories of BIT”

  In order to further guide young students to establish and practice socialist core values, help students to establish a correct outlook on world outlook on life, and outlook on values, and support students to grow into talents, as the school's 2018 boutique activities and brand projects, on June 12, SME Commission for Work and Development joint hands with the Sunshine Reporting Group to hold a series of activities in the theme of “Remembering the glories and Reminiscing the stories of BIT”. The activities closely focused on the history of Beijing Institute of Technology, the development of Beijing Institute of Technology, and the achievements of Beijing Institute of Technology. The event lasted from 9 am to 11:30, hosted by Zhang Jingshou, former secretary of the Inspection Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology.