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School of Management and Economics Party Committee held a theoretical study group (expansion) meeting

  On September 6, 2018, the School of Management and Economics of Beijing Institute of Technology held a meeting on Party Committee Theory Learning (expansion). Party Committee Secretary Wang Zhaohua, Dean Wei Yiming and other party committee members, branch secretary and department head representatives attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Party Secretary Wang Zhaohua.


  First of all, Wang Zhaohua conveyed the spirit of the school party group work conference, and the spirit of the national organization work conference, the spirit of the national propaganda and ideological work conference and the recent series of meetings and documents of the central and Beijing government. It also reported on the recent situation of the construction of grassroots party branches in the school, and summarized the implementation of the main points of party building work in the school. Based on the relevant requirements and the actual situation of the school, the party building work and ideological and political work of the school were deployed.