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The School of Management and Economics Holds BIT Pilot Work Meeting

  In order to better implement the "BIT Pilot" program, on September 13, the School of Management and Economics held the BIT Pilot Work Conference in the main building room 216. Before the meeting, Dean Wei Yiming gave clear suggestions on how to advance the pilot work. Wang Zhaohua, secretary of the party committee of the School, Peng Mingxue, deputy dean and deputy secretary, and all the "BIT Pilots" attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Yang Tianan.


  At the meeting, Mr. Yang Tianan, on behalf of all the pilots, reported on the difficulties encountered in the undergraduate enrollment work and the next stage suggestions. Deputy Secretary Peng Mingxue gave feedbacks on the relevant concerns of the pilots and the requirements of the school admissions work. On behalf of the School, Secretary Wang Zhaohua affirmed the work of the pilots, and gave specific suggestions on how to further improve the admission promotions and promote the development of a “BIT Lecture Hall”.