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The results of our national key R&D project hosted published in the top environmental science journal “Global Environmental Change”.

  The National Key Research and Development Program (2016YFA0602600) led by Professor Wei Yiming of the School of Management and Economics, “Research on the Comprehensive Assessment Model of Economic Impacts of Climate Change”, “Social cost of carbon under shared socioeconomic pathways” were recently published in the top environmental science journal "Global Environmental Change." According to the Web of Science journal rankings, the journal ranks second in the field of environmental research, second only to the Nature-Climate Change. The first author of the article, Yang Lan, is a graduate student in the School of Management and Economics. Professor Wei Yiming and Dr. Mi Zhifu are the corresponding authors of the article.


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  Pu Yang, Yun-Fei Yao, Zhifu Mi*, Yun-Fei Cao, Hua Liao, Bi-Ying Yu, Qiao-Mei Liang, D'Maris Coffman, Yi-Ming Wei*,2018. Social cost of carbon under shared socioeconomic pathways. Global Environmental Change. 53,  pp 225-232.