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The School of Management holds a special lecture on "Teacher's Dialogue" and "Dean Face-to-face"

  In order to further implement the "first-grade project" implementation plan, promote the practice of the college tutor system, and cultivate students' scientific spirit and academic accomplishment, on the afternoon of November 18, Wei Yiming, Dean of the School of Management, gave a speech to the 2018 freshman. Management Science: Science and Art" and "Dean Face to Face" activities. All students of the 2018 Economic Management Experimental Class and Accounting Class were attended the lecture, and the lecture was hosted by Peng Mingxue, the deputy director of the Student Affairs Office.


  Dean Wei Yiming's lecture focused on the vision of the School, the management philosophy, the status quo and development trend of management science, and the thinking about the Yuelu Academy's rules. Dean Wei Yiming believes that management as a discipline is scientific and applied to guide management practice and is artistic. He introduced the "one quotation", "two-layer attribute", "three types of problems" and "four functions" in management science, and combined with the film and television materials and practical problems, vividly explained the scientific nature of management science to the students. Dean Wei Yiming hopes that the students will have a clearer understanding of the professional curriculum system, internal relations and professional efforts of the management discipline that they are beginning to learn.