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School of Management and Economics convenes a party committee meeting (expanded)

  On November 28, 2018, the School of Management and Economics held a party committee meeting (expanded) in Room 345 of the main building. Party Committee Secretary Wang Zhaohua, Dean Wei Yiming and other party committee members, members of the Party and Government Joint Committee, the Secretary of the Party Branch and Student Party Building, and counselors attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Party Secretary Wang Zhaohua.


  At the meeting, Secretary Wang Zhaohua informed the main spirit of the school party group work conference, and conveyed the important instructions of Secretary Zhao Changlu on the school inspection and rectification work; and signed the "Comprehensive Party Strictly Administering Party Responsibility Letter" with all members of the Party and Government Joint Committee.


  Deputy Secretary and Vice President Peng Mingxue made a special report on the party building and ideological and political work of the students. The meeting also confirmed the list of the division's teacher's morality and construction subcommittee, and discussed the development of party members in the second half of the year.

  Dean Wei Yiming emphasized that it is necessary to carry out the inspection and rectification work according to the BIT's rectification plan and carefully investigate the problems according to the actual situation of our school.