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Professor Wei Yiming Visits Xiamen No. 1 Middle School and talks about climate change economics

  On the evening of December 7, the “BIT Lecture Hall: Into the No. 1 Middle School of Xiamen” series was successfully held in the No. 1 Middle School of Xiamen City, Fujian Province. The national “Tens of Thousands Plan” leading talents, Wei Yiming, Distinguished Professor of the “Yangtze Scholar” of the Ministry of Education, through the form of remote live broadcast, gave a special lecture entitled "Climate Change Economics - From the Nobel Prize for Economic Science Winner Nordhaus" to nearly 1600 teachers and students. Zhou Junli, the headmaster of Xiamen Shuangshi Middle School, specially met with Dean Wei and his delegation before the lecture. Director Wang Keyi of the Academic Affairs Office hosted the BIT Lecture Hall. The SME Fujian Provincial Admissions Team Yang Tianan, Deng Jianwei, Jia Lin and Zhou Wei participated in the event.


  Director Wang Keyi of the Xiamen No. 1 Academic Affairs Office opened the lecture with the introduction of “a highly cited scholar”, and on behalf of the teachers and students of the whole middle school warmly welcomed Professor Wei Yiming and his entourage. Professor Wei Yiming first thanked Xiamen No. 1 Middle School for its strong support for the enrollment work of Beijing Institute of Technology, and introduced the history, discipline, development prospects and enrollment policies of Beijing Institute of Technology. Professor Wei then gave a lecture entitled "Climate Change Economics - From the Nobel Prize for Economic Science Winner Nordhaus".