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Professor Wei Yiming Visits Xiamen Shuangshi Middle School to give a lecture on "Climate Change Economics"

  On the evening of December 5th, the “BIT Lecture Hall: Entering Xiamen Shuangshi Middle School” was successfully held in Xiamen Shuangshi Middle School in Fujian Province. The national “Tens of Thousands Plan” leading talents, Wei Yiming, Distinguished Professor of the “Yangtze Scholar” of the Ministry of Education gave a lecture to 200 teachers and students entitled "Climate Change Economics - From Noorhaus's winning of Nobel Prize in Economic Science". Li Haibei, assistant to the headmasster of Xiamen Shuangshi Middle School, Chen Feng, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office, Mr. Huang Dahua, and the students of the first and second grades of Xiamen Shuangshi Middle School, Yang Tianan, Deng Jianwei and Zhou Wei of the SME Fujian Provincial Admissions Team participated in the event.


  On behalf of the teachers and students of the Middle School, Li Haibei warmly welcomed Professor Wei Yiming and his entourage. He introduced the school history, talent training mode and student characteristics of Shuangshi Middle School, and actively invited the BIT to participate in the Shuangshi Middle School Centennial Celebration activities. Professor Wei Yiming first thanked Shuangshi Middle School for its strong support for the enrollment work of Beijing Institute of Technology. He introduced the history, discipline, development prospects and enrollment policy of Beijing Institute of Technology. On behalf of the school, he awarded the “BIT Excellent Student Source Base” to Shuangshi Middle School, and presented a souvenir gift. Then starting rom Noorhaus's winning of Nobel Prize in Economic Science, Prof. Wei gave a lecture on Climate Change Economics.