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The first Beijing Social Science Fund major project undertaken by our school launches

  On the afternoon of the 17th, the first Beijing Social Science Fund major project undertaken by our school, “Study on the Collaborative Innovation Model and Implementation Strategy of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei New Energy Automobile Industry from the Perspective of Organization Management System” was successfully launched. The opening argumentation and academic seminar was presided over by Prof. Yan Lun, Xiao Shibin, Director of the Beijing Municipal Philosophy and Social Science Planning Office, Professor Chen Jin of Tsinghua University, Professor Qiu Huanguang of Renmin University of China, and Innovation Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof. Ji Jigang, the former director of the National New Energy Automotive Technology Innovation Center, Cheng Yan and other experts from the School of Management and Economics, Wei Yiming, Wang Zhaohua, Professor Xia Enjun, Professor Li Cunjin, and other academic leaders, experts and members of the research team attended the seminar.