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Academic Report by Prof. Hirokazu Tatano, Kyoto University, Japan

  September 5, 2012, invited by Dean Professor Wei Yiming, Director of the Energy and Environmental Policy Research Center, Professor Hirokazu Tatano, the University of Kyoto, Japan, visited our school and gave an academic report entitled "Analysis of Energy Standards and Labels Economic Impacts of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake". The report was presided over by Associate Dean Professor Wang Zhaohua, Deputy Director of the Energy and Environmental Policy Research Center.

  In the report, Prof. Tatano gave an overview of the 2011 earthquake in Japan, and its huge impact on Japanese society. This disaster exposed deficiencies in the previous models. Prof. Tatano made adjustment and improvement to the models accordingly. On the basis of regional CGE model, he simulated the Japanese economic system, and analyzed the impact of the earthquake on the Japanese social and economic system.