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Professor Liu Yun Visits the MIT Sloan School of Management and Industrial Performance Research Center

October 29 to November 3, 2012, Professor Liu Yun visited the MIT in the United States. Professor Liang Zhengfu, Tsinghua University School of Public Administration, a rich Brett scholars engaged in collaborative research in the MIT Industrial Performance Center (IPC) accompanied the academic exchange visit.

During his visit, Professor Liu Yun shared the National Natural Science Foundation project “Internationalization of China national independent innovation system---theory and policy research” with the peers including MIT Sloan School of Management Professor Huang Yasheng, Professor Richard K. Lester, director of the Nuclear Science and Engineering Department, and the MIT Industrial Performance Research Center, Professor Suzanne Berger of political Science Department, Dr. Elisabeth B. Reynolds,.the Executive Director of the Industrial Performance Research Center. The discussions covered Chinese industrial environment and international competitiveness, innovative features and trends of strategic emerging industries, China's participation in global innovation network and the advantages and obstacles of the global value chain, the United States in the energy, telecommunications, manufacturing innovation system development and evaluation, and further strengthening cooperation in research and personnel exchanges.