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BIT – UNESCO Chairs International Technical Training Courses Held in Guangzhou

Nov. 12, 2012, in support of the Department of International Cooperation, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) office in Beijing, the UNESCO "South-South cooperation in science and technology to address climate change Chair” hosted by our school and China Science and Technology Exchange Center jointly held "South-South cooperation in science and technology to address climate change international technical training courses” at Guangdong hotel in Guangzhou city.

More than 30 representatives from 20 developing countries participated in the training. The Training was presided over by the UNESCO Chairs Moderator, Professor Liu Yun Beijing Institute of Technology School of Economics and Mannagment. Dr. Han Qunli, Executive Director of the UNESCO Natural Science Division, Dr. Jia Guma, Heand of the UNESCO Beijing office Natural Science Division, Chen Xiong, Director of China Science and Technology Exchange Center attended the opening ceremony.