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Prof. Tad Murty, University of Ottawa, Canada, Gives Report

December 7, 2012, in the afternoon, invited by the invited by Professor Wei Yiming, Dean of the School of Management and Economics, and Director of the Energy and Environmental Policy Research Center, Professor Tad Murty University of Ottawa, Canada, visited the BIT-CEEP and gave an academic report entitled "Early warning system for natural hazards - The fundamentals". The report was hosted by Dr. Wang Ke. The Center’s researchers involved and doctoral and postgraduate students attended the meeting.
Professor Murty discussed issues including types of natural disasters, the most common phenomenon - clustering, the precision and accuracy of fuzzy math, as well as natural disasters predicted probability and certainty.

At the end of the report, the teachers and students had a lively discussion and in-depth exchange with Professor Murty. Professor Murty meticulously answered their questions.