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Xue Zhenghui, Director of the Academic Affairs Office, visits

On August 25,2021, Xue Zhenghui, Director of Academic Affairs Office, and Assistant Director Yuan Dan visited our school to carry out investigation on undergraduate education and teaching work. Secretary Yan Zhijun, Dean Wang Zhaohua, Vice Dean Zhang Xiang, directors of the Undergraduate Teaching Center, and department heads attended the meeting.

Dean Wang Zhaohua presided over the meeting. Vice Dean Zhang Xiang, reported on our undergraduate talent training, from the background, goal, realistic foundation, the two years of undergraduate construction, results, challenges, and the next plan. The report focused on teaching incentive mechanism and policy adjustment, professional structural optimization, team construction, curriculum and textbook construction, undergraduate talent training, new atmosphere of education and teaching measures.

Director Xue Zhenghui and the participating teachers had extensive and in-depth exchanges, explained the education and teaching guidance spirit of the University, carefully answered some specific questions of the teachers, and put forward valuable suggestions for the undergraduate talent training in our school.