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Prof. Wei Yiming Wins 2010 Top Ten Most Respected Business School Deans

  Recently, frequent good news have come to SME. On the occasion of successful conclusion of 30th Anniversary and Dean Forum, Dean Professor Wei Yiming was named "China Top Ten Most Respected Business School Deans” by the world's leading Chinese management magazine "World Executive Weekly".
  "World Executive Weekly" has hold seventh consecutive summits since 2003. They have launched the "most influential MBA rankings," "the most valuable Chinese MBA list," "Most Respected Business Schools", “Most Respected Business School Deans", and “Most Respected Business School professors ". In September 27, 2010, during the 2010 (seventh)"World Executive Summit" and the 2010 (eighth) Conference of "the most influential MBA rankings", Dean Professor Wei Yiming was selected as the "2010 China top ten most respected business school deans"