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International Economy and Trade Bilingual Class Return from Oversea Study

  SME started international economic and trade bilingual experimental class in 2008. The class enrolled 2008 undergraduate students through voluntary registration and selection by examination. The experimental class, as a SME innovative model program, uses teaching materials in English, and aims to train talents with international economic and trade expertise. According to the teaching plan, from August 2010 to February 2011, a total of 35 students studied overseas in University of California, Riverside (the UCR) (21 students), Coventry University (2 students), and the University of Paderborn, Germany (3 students), University of Bayreuth (6 students), University of Regensburg (3 students). They all completed required courses with excellence rate of 100% (all in B grade and above). Some students received all A or even A +! During the six months’ study abroad , the students enhanced English communication skills, added understanding of foreign cultures, expanded learning methods and international perspectives, and established a deep friendship with local teachers and students.