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SME Luncheon

 May 17, 2011, Tuesday, 12:00-13:30, the Department of Technology Economics and Management hosted a luncheon as scheduled in Room 418 of the Main Building. Speaker Li Cun Jin and Zhong Huatwo presented.

  Dr. Zhong Hua gave a report entitled "Academic Visit - University of California, Berkeley". He briefly introduced the IEOR he visited, reported academic conferences and other academic activities he attended over the year, and shared experiences and ideas on the foreign teaching mode and student activities.

  Dr. Li Cunjin gave a report entitled "3C system - a domestic Chinese enterprise organization innovation". China Aviation Industry Group 3C system broke the traditional organizational model mindset of "lab + manufacturing plant", and adopted a new form of "functional units and process units" which closely linked the organization and the process. Dr. Li interpreted this new phenomenon.

  During the luncheon, teachers had lively discussions on the reported issues.