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Nature Research Senior Editor Dr. Contestabile Monica and Nature Climate Change Chief Editor Dr. Wake Bronwyn Davina Visit

  September 9, 2016, in the morning, Dr.Monica Contestabile, Senior Editor for Nature Research, and Dr. Wake Bronwyn Davina, Chief Editor of Nature Climate Change, was invited to visit our school and gave an academic report entitled "Introduction to Nature Research" and "How to get published - Nature Climate Change and other Nature title". A number of teachers and students from the School of Management and Economics attended the lecture. The report was hosted by associate professor Yu Biying.

  Dr. Contestabile Monica is the senior editor of Research Nature. She is primarily responsible for the publication of the Nature and social studies in the journal. At the same time, Monica, as an economist, has widely studied in the fields of climate change, sustainable development, and the natural and scientific fields that are closely related. In this lecture, Monica introduced Nature Research. Nature Research 's publishing strategy is devoted to publishing beyond the traditional natural sciences, including the social sciences, and trying to combine the two to form an outstanding interdisciplinary research. At the same time, she said, the social problem is more complex and urgent, such as food, water and energy security issues in the global environment change, economic system disorders, population growth and rapid urbanization and global health hazards. We urgently need to understand the causes of these problems and find clear solutions.

  Dr. Bronwyn Davina Wake is an ocean scientist who studies the trace metals in marine waters and the effects of trace elements on phytoplankton. In this lecture, Bronwyn first introduced Nature Climate Change. The publication, which began in April 2011 and is published once a month, is devoted to the study of global climate change and its impact on the world economy and policy. The Journal covers physical, biological, social and behavioral sciences, and encourages interdisciplinary research. At the same time, Bronwyn introduced the main work of an editor, compared the differences with several other Nature sub journals, and then explained the submission requirements, the publication standards and other aspects of the issue of periodicals.