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Invited Talk: Associate Professor XiaoHang Yue, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

  July 1, 2011, Associate Professor Yue, XiaoHang, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Business School, made a presentation entitled "Bullwhip Effect in an Industry When Demands across Firms are Interdependent " at Conference Room 418 of the Main Building. More than 20 teachers and students attended the meeting.
Dr. Yue, Xiao Hang first introduced research status and trends in recent years on the bullwhip effect (BWE) of supply chain, and summarized the characteristics of existing studies. He explored firm-level and industry-level BWEs using a multi-firm interdependent demand model, and by numerical analysis compared the differences and sensitivities of these two BWEs.

Speaker Biography:
  Yue, Xiaohang, Associate Professor of the School of Business, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Member of American Association of Supply Chain Management, Management Science and Operations Research Association, and Operations Management Association. Mainly engaged in research on the supply chain and logistics management, production and market management and industrial manufacturing systems management. Published more than 20 articles in POM, IJPR, IJPE, IIE, IEEE, EJOR, Omega and other international journals. Currently Reviewing Board of the magazine "Production and Operations Management". Also serve as reviewer for more than twenty journals and publishers.