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SME & Law School Jointly Carries Out Special Learning Session on "Strengthening Party self-discipline and building top-notch School"

    In order to make the grassroots party organizations and the broad masses of party members gain more comprehensive understanding of the implementation situtation of strengthening Party self-discipline and building top-notch School since the 18th CPC Congress, the School of Management and Economics joint hands with the Law School on February 24, 2017, to hold  a special learning session at room 241 of the main building.  The School of Management and Economics and Law School leadership team members, and all teachers and students party branch secretaries participated in the study. Yang Zhihong, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Wei Mingshan, deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and Bao Liying, Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Yang Hai, party secretary of the Law School.