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SME Party Members Commitment Signing Ceremony Successfully Held

    On the afternoon of March 19, 2017, the School of Management and Economics 2017 party members pioneer project of commitment signing ceremony was held smoothly in the comprehensive teaching building A-206 on Liangxiang campus. The School of Management and Economics Party Secretary Wang Zhaohua, Communist Youth League secretary Zhang Rui, research work secretary Liang Hao, party affairs coordinator Huo Jing, 2014 class counselor Jia Yining and 2016 class counselor Zhuang Jie attended the meeting. The entire School of Management and Economics undergraduate students party members and party activists participated in the meeting.

    This event has not only improved the party members' theoretical and political literacy, but also enabled them to gain more profound understanding of the strict party discipline, meanwhile develop more determined faith and cleared direction. We wish that all the students party members could be self-disciplined, put the cause of the party and the people in the first place, bind the individual goal to the national future and destiny, and dedicated to building a well-off society, achieving the "two one hundred year" goal and realizing the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation.