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Professor Lang Zhizheng is invited to attend "World Clean Energy Equipment Conference 2023" and delivers a keynote speech

August 26~28, sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Sichuan provincial government, "World Clean Energy Equipment Conference 2023" was held in Sichuan Deyang.  Professor Lang Zhizheng was invited to attend the conference, and made a keynote speech “Quality power - promoting our energy revolution”.

Professor Lang Zhizheng explained at the meeting that building a quality power is an important way to promote China's transformation from big to strong and to meet the people's needs for a better life. He said, quality power has "universality", quality power construction is an important measures to promote the development of high quality, quality power should meet the needs of different groups, quality power must have many independent brands, quality power need to strengthen the quality of infrastructure and quality management, quality power is an important fulcrum of energy revolution. He stressed that in the energy revolution, clean energy equipment plays a vital role and is one of the important components of a quality power, and there must be a long way of development.

The conference with "green earth,  smart manufacturing" as the theme, sponsored by the Sichuan provincial people's government, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, aims to build an important communication platform for green low carbon transformation, further improve the clean energy equipment manufacturing ability, merge into the global clean energy equipment industry supply chain.