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7-5 Professor Liang Huigang from the University of East Carolina, USA: Healthcare Data Analytics: Opportunities and Challenges for Information Systems Researchers

  Time: July 5th (Wednesday) 18:30-20:00

  Location: Main Building 418

  Speaker profile:

  Liang Huigang, a tenured professor of management information systems at the University of East Carolina University, director of the Center for Medical Management Systems Research, appointed as the only Endowed Chair of the Business School in 2012.Currently, he is the deputy editor of Information Systems Research, the international journal UTD24 journal, the senior editor of JAIS in the FT50 journal, and the associate editor of Information & Management.He has published more than 30 papers in international top information system academic journals such as MIS Quarterly, Information System Research, Journal of Management Information System, Journal of AIS, and Decision Support Systems.His work is widely quoted. According to Google Scholar, the number of citations has exceeded 8,000, and the maximum number of citations for a single article has reached 2,459.


  Big data holds great promises in the healthcare arena. While many researchers are interested in exploring this unfamiliar territory, they are not sure where to start. This presentation offers an overview about what data sources available and how they can be analyzed by employing the advanced machine learning algorithms to achieve positive outcomes. In addition, the major challenges facing healthcare data analytics are identified and discussed in detail. Recommendations are provided to information systems researchers regarding how they can ride the wave of healthcare analytics to make unique and novel contributions to theory and practice.