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9-25 Ming Li Lecture Hall - Vice President Ji Yong, Goer Co. Ltd. : seize the opportunity of the times.

Time: September 25,2020 18:00-20:00

Location: Main Building 345

Speaker: Ji Yong, Vice President, Goer Co., Ltd., MBA, University of Washington, U.S.A., Deputy Secretary-General, China Virtual Reality Industry Alliance, adjunct Professor, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology


At present, the political and economic environment is complex, the enterprise management is facing huge competition and challenge. How to plan and find the suitable direction for the short-term and medium-term development? How to seize the opportunity of the times? What necessary skills to be accumulated?How to choose the industry to better play your strengths?

(Hosts: Joint Centre for Professional Degree Education, Centre for Scientific Research and Academic Exchange)