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【Mingli Lecture 2021, Issue 57】 11-24 Associate Professor Wang Bin, Shanghai University: Digital Workplace in the Perspective of Work Des

Time: Wednesday 24 November, 12:00-13:30 pm

Tencent Conference Number: 428 930 082

Speaker: Associate Professor Wang Bin, Shanghai University

Speaker Bio.

Bin Wang is an Associate Professor at the School of Management, Shanghai University, a "Renhuai Scholar" at the School of Management, and a recipient of the "National Outstanding Self-Funded International Students Scholarship" from the Ministry of Education. His research interests include work design, failure management and the intersection of management and cognitive neuroscience. He has published more than 20 SSCI-indexed papers in top business journals such as Academy of Management Annals and Journal of Organizational Behavior, and a number of management cases have been awarded the "National 100 Excellent Management Cases He has published more than 20 SSCI-indexed papers in top business journals such as Academy of Management Annals and Journal of Organizational Behavior, and a number of management cases have been awarded the "National 100 Excellent Management Cases". He is currently a member of the editorial board of Entrepreneurship Research Journal.

Report Description.

The rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has driven digital change in the workplace, and has given rise to a series of new situations, phenomena and issues worthy of exploration and research. However, theoretical frameworks for the systematic integration of "technology, work and people" in organisational and management research are still limited. In this presentation, the presenter will focus on the role of the work design perspective in understanding the digital workplace, based on a series of three studies published in the Academy of Management Annals, Applied Psychology and Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The theoretical value of the work design perspective in understanding the digital workplace.

(Organised by: Department of Organisation and Human Resource Management, Centre for Research and Scholarly Communication)