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Nature Communications Editor Dr. Xia Wei visits


  At 10:00 am on May 27, 2019, Dr. Xia Wei, editor of Nature Communications, was invited to visit our school and give an academic report entitled "Overview and Cross-Research of Nature and Nature Communications".This report was hosted by Associate Professor Yu Biying, deputy director of the CEEP. Teachers and students of the Center participated in the report.

  Xia Wei, Ph.D. in Ecological Economics, University of East Anglia, UK, is currently an academic editor of Natural Communications (London).As the only social science editor of the journal, he is responsible for reviewing relevant manuscripts for socioeconomic, environmental policy, health risks, climate change and sustainable development.Ten years of experience in the UK, dedicated to multidisciplinary research on natural disasters - health risks - socioeconomic impacts, Dr. Xia has published several high impact factor SCI papers.

  In today's report, Dr. Xia Wei started with an overview of the Nature, introduced the structure of the journal. From his practical work experience, Dr. Xia explained the Nature review process, the Nature Communications overview and structure, and cross-disciplinary research in the eyes of Nature Communications; Dr.Xia ended the report with an introduction to the platforms and resources in the journal of Nature.Everyone was interested in editing and submission issues, but due to time limit, only a few issues had been opened for questions. After the report, Dr. Xia Wei took a group photo with with participants.