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【Mingli Lecture 2023, Issue 24】Associate Professor Yi Cheng of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management was invited to give an

At the invitation of the School of Management and Economics, Yi Cheng, associate professor of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, gave an academic report entitled "Where To Display What? Investigating the Effects of AugmentedReality and Information Type on Work Performance" at 10 a.m. on April 25, 2023 in Conference Room 418 of the main building. The presentation was presided over by Associate Professor Wang Liu'an, and many teachers and students from the college participated in the presentation.

At the beginning of the report, Teacher Yi pointed out that the civil aviation company will conduct pre flight, short stop, and post flight safety inspections and repairs on the aircraft to ensure flight safety. Among them, short stop inspections require inspectors to conduct multi-directional inspections inside and outside the aircraft within a limited time to ensure safety, which is a great challenge for inspectors. Therefore, civil aviation companies are committed to transforming short stop inspections from traditional paper-based inspections to digital inspections to improve the work efficiency of inspectors. In addition to the widely used mobile devices, augmented reality (AR) can also digitize short stop checks by combining virtual information with the real world.

Teacher Yi stated that the fundamental difference between AR and mobile devices lies in the location of the information presented to users. This change in position may have different impacts on users' attention and performance during work. In order to explore these different impacts, Teacher Yi conducted a field experiment based on the situation of aircraft short stop inspections. The research results indicate that compared to mobile devices, AR has a stronger effect on improving users' work attention, but a weaker effect on improving users' work performance. In addition, the higher the correlation between virtual information and real scenes, the stronger the positive effect of AR on user work performance. The higher the complexity of virtual information, the weaker the positive effect of AR on user work attention and performance.

Finally, Mr. Yi proposed that the application of AR technology can help civil aviation enterprises achieve Digital transformation of aircraft short stop inspection, and emphasized the important value of AR for the transformation of people's working mode and the improvement of people's working efficiency. At the same time, AR designers should also fully consider various factors that affect AR effect when conducting Interaction design.

After the report, the attending teachers and students had a positive discussion with Teacher Yi, which received a lot of inspiration. The report received a warm response and received unanimous praise from teachers and students.

Introduction to the reporter:

Yi Cheng, Associate Professor, Department of Management science and Engineering, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management. Obtained bachelor's degree and doctor's degree in information system from National University of Singapore. The main research areas include e-commerce, human-computer interaction, online consumer behavior, and smart education. Many academic papers have been published in international and domestic high-level academic journals in the field of information system, such as Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Management lnformation Systems, Management World, China Management science, etc. Led and participated in multiple National Natural Science Foundation projects, and was a recipient of the National Excellent Youth Science Foundation. He has won the Excellent Paper Award of China Management science Annual Conference, the Excellent Paper Award of China Management Science Annual Conference, the Excellent Achievement Award of China Information Economics, and the Best Paper Award of the International Association of Information Systems Human Computer Interaction Seminar for many times. Currently serving as the deputy editor in chief of the international journals MIS Quarterly, Electronic Commerce Research, and Electronic Commerce Research and Applications in the field of information systems.