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【Mingli Lecture 2021, Issue 61】Professor Hong Yili of the University of Houston was invited to give a presentation

On November 29th, We are honored to have Professor Yili Hong of the Bauer School of Business at the University of Houston present "Group Size, Content Moderators, And user engagement in online synchronized content Platforms ". Yan Zhijun, professor of School of Management and Economics of Beijing Institute of Technology, introduced Professor Hong Yili and presided over the report.

Teacher Hong Yili first introduced some basic information about live streaming platform, which is an online synchronous content platform that has recently attracted more and more users. Based on the audience effect, Mr. Hong put forward his hypothesis that the more users participate in the live broadcast interaction, the better the live broadcast effect may be, but the increase in the number of participants may increase the degree of chaos, resulting in worse live broadcast effect. Mr. Hong introduced an empirical method to explore the impact of group size on real-time audience interaction, and studied how the host moderated this relationship. Finally, Mr. Hong introduced his research results, which showed that when the group size increased, more viewers would be attracted, resulting in more audience interaction and the diversity of chat topics in the live broadcast room. In addition, the participation of the host will further promote the effect of live chat.

Teacher Hong Yili's report fully aroused the interest and enthusiasm of the participating teachers and students. After the report, the teachers and students actively communicated and interacted with Teacher Li. The report was warmly received and praised by the teachers and students.

Introduction to Teacher Hong Yili

Yili Hung is the C.T. Bauer Faculty Member in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Society and director of the Doctoral Program at the University of Houston's Business School. Professor Hong graduated from the Department of Management Science of Temple University Fox School of Business in 2014 with a PhD in Management Information Systems. Professor Hong was promoted to associate professor (tenured) at Arizona State University's Kerry School of Business in 2018. He joined the C. T. Bauer School of Business at the University of Houston as a full professor (tenured) in 2020.

Professor Hong's research interests include Internet finance, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, sharing economy, digital platforms, digital economy, online social media, and Internet user behavior. Professor Hong is currently a senior editor of Production and Operations Management (POM), a leading international business academic publication, and an associate editor of the Journal of Information Systems Research (ISR) and the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS). Professor Hong's research results have won best paper awards at various international conferences. Hong's thesis also won two best doctoral dissertation awards in the information system field in 2014. Professor Hong's Research has been published in Management Science, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Production and Operations Management, INFORMS Journal on Computing and many other internationally renowned academic journals. Professor Hong's doctoral and post-doctoral students are now working at universities in the United States and Asia, such as the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Tulane University, University of Connecticut, University of Massachusetts, University of Houston, Renmin University of China, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and so on. Professor Hong is an academic and corporate consultant for many technology start-ups and top 500 companies, such as Alibaba Dharma Institute, Magine Technology, Summer Social, Lyft in the US, Freelancer in Australia, Fits.me in Japan, Yame.com, Picmonic in the US.