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【Mingli Lecture 2022, Issue 22】4-22 Professor Tong Yu from School of Management, Zhejiang University was invited to give an academic report

At the invitation of the School of Management and Economics, Associate Professor Tong Yu from the School of Management of Zhejiang University came to our hospital for an exchange visit, and made a presentation online at 10:00 a.m. on April 22, 2022 entitled "Multi-channel consultation for patients by online medical team service model". Influence" academic report. The report meeting was chaired by Associate Professor Jia Lin, and many teachers and students of the college attended the report meeting.

Professor Tong first introduced the relevant background of the online medical industry, and explained the theoretical basis of the impact of social support provided by individual doctors and teams on patient satisfaction from three aspects: online doctor team, patient experience and satisfaction, and social support. On this basis, Professor Tong introduced the different influences of different support types of different team members on the continuous online and offline consultation, and gave research hypotheses and research models. Teacher Tong then introduced the classification criteria of online and offline consultation behaviors, and developed a hybrid text classifier based on rules and machine learning for variable measurement. Finally, the logistic regression model was used to verify the model hypothesis. Professor Tong's research results show that adopting appropriate consulting strategies for multi-channel team consultation can effectively improve the patient's consultation experience. The study makes theoretical contributions to the literature on online health information technology and social support, and could help physicians better manage team teleconsultations.

After the report, the participating teachers and students had a positive and full discussion with Professor Tong. The report received enthusiastic response and was well received by teachers and students.

Introduction of Professor Tong:

Associate Professor Tong Yu is a tenured associate professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of Management of Zhejiang University, and the deputy director of Zhejiang Digital Development and Governance Research Center, a new key professional think tank in Zhejiang Province. The main research areas include smart health care management, digital transformation and innovation. He has been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Youth Fund, won the Hong Kong Early Career Award, and the Association for Information Systems SIG Health Best Paper Award. Papers are accepted or published in international academic journals such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, and Journal of the Association for Information Systems.