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Doctoral Thesis Defense and Degree Application Instructions


For the relevant procedures of the pre-pleading section, please refer to the “Beijing Institute of Technology Doctoral Thesis Pre-pleading Rules”.

 http://grd.bit.edu.cn/xwgz/xwgz2/gzzd_xwgz/112587.htm )

Graduate School Service Hall: Cheng Wei, clbit@bit.edu.cn, 1207


II. Thesis defense

1. In the graduate management system, the process proceeds to the "thesis defense" link, and the time, place and defense committee are filled out.(Be sure to be accurate and complete).

2. The applicant prepares the following materials and have them stamped in the Humanities and Social Sciences Branch (Graduate Building 219, Liu Tong, liutongmax@bit.edu.cn, 8522):

(1) Vote ticket(fill in name, student number)

(2) All review notes

(3) If the reviews are not full A, you must bring a completed revision form or appeal statment.

 (If the reviews are not full A, you must provide a Doctoral Thesis Revision Review Form (Review B) and a Doctoral Thesis Revision Review Form (Review C, D), see http://grd.bit.edu .cn/xwgz/xwgz2/wjxz_xwgz/112016.htm)

Note: The paper version must be exactly the same as that in the electronic system.

(When the vote tecket is stamped, the applicant must be in the “Thesis Defense” link in the graduate management system, and the time, place and defense committee composition shall be filled out accurately and completely.)

3. The applicant participates in the defense.


III. Degree application

The applicant fills in the relevant information in the “degree application” link of the system and submits the relevant paper materials according to the requirements of the school (the content and order of the paper materials must be exactly the same as thant in the online system).


Applicable to normal applicants or applicants with equivalent academic qualifications


Academic papers (including other results) published by normal applicants must meet the requirements of the relevant documents:

(In the Graduate Education Management System, under the "degree management" column under the "degree documents management" section)

Class of 2011 and prior,apply to School Degree [2007] No. 7 or [2012] No. 5;

Class of 2012-2015,apply to School Degree [2012] No. 5;

Class of 2016 and after, apply to execute School Degree [2016] No. 16;


Academic papers (including other results) published by applicants of equivalent academic qualifications must meet the requirements of the relevant documents:

(See http://grd.bit.edu.cn/xwgz/xwsy/gzzd_xwsy/88047.htm)

If applicants of equivalent academic qualifications registered in 2015 and prior, apply to School Degree [2012] No. 5;

If applicants of equivalent academic qualifications registered in 2016 and after, apply to  School Degree [2016] No. 16.

Note: Applicants of equivalent academic qualifications published academic papers (including other results) includes academic papers (including other results) published during the school period and at the time of registration.

Note: It is important to verify that the type of degree application completed in the degree application process is correct; students who have applied for graduation can apply for a degree.


IV. Instructor and school review

The instructor and the school officer review the authenticity of the academic results and whether they meet the requirements for awarding the degree, and unifiedly submit the materials to the relevant discpline branch.The degree applicant provides the following proof materials on the basis of meeting the requirements of the above published papers (including other results):

1. One copy of the "Beijing Institute of Technology Doctoral Thesis Defense Form" (all signed)

(See http://grd.bit.edu.cn/xwgz/xwsy/wjxz_xwsy/33552.htm);

2. All review notes (same as the order in the online system);

3. If the review is not full A, the applicant shall provide an appeal statement all signed and Revision Review Form attached to the review notes;

4. "Doctoral thesis revision review form (defense completed)"

(See http://grd.bit.edu.cn/xwgz/xwgz2/wjxz_xwgz/112016.htm);

5. One hard copy of the dissertation (all signed);

6. Academic paper publishing list (as the cover of the supporting materials, must be signed by the instructor, see Annex 1)

(1) Journal or conference publications, please submit: a copy of the conference or journal cover (except online publications and foreign journals) + directory page (mark the title of your paper) + the front page of the paper (mark the DOI number and your name) (The order must be consistent with the online system);

(2) If there is a conference paper, a library search certificate must be provided separately;

(3) Papers in the status of accepted (1 is allowed), submit:

1 A notice of acceptance with the determined publication date and column;

2 Page fee receipt or invoice (copy);

3 Paper contents.

Among them, for the acceptance of foreign journals, submit the following contents:

1 Email or letter acceptance notice of foreign publishers;

2 The copyright transfer signature form provided by the foreign publisher;

3 Paper proofs.

(4) For the invention patent, you shall provide a copy of the invention patent certificate bearing the stamp of the State Intellectual Property Office;

(5) For the science and technology award, you shall provide a copy of the award certificate;


7. One copy of the Degree Thesis Publication Authorization(paper version with signature) (see Annex 2).



1. The degree application materials are arranged in the above order and submitted to the school for review.

2. The submitted paper materials meet the requirements of the self-inspection form.(See Annex 3)

In addition, those who apply for excellent doctoral thesis at the university level must submit the following materials on the basis of the above materials:

1. " Beijing Institute of Technology Recommendation Form of Excellent Doctoral Thesis"

(See http://grd.bit.edu.cn/xwgz/xwsy/wjxz_xwsy/119001.htm);

2. One copy of the doctoral thesis.

Note: Applicants are required to apply for excellent thesis in the “degree application” section of the online system.