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  黃志民,現任美國Adelphi大學商學院教授,偉德國際1946bv官網徐特立講座教授。兼任Journal of Management in Modelling 的主編, OMEGA: International Journal of Management Science、Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research的副主編,以及American Journal of Operations Research和Technology and Investment等多份國際期刊的編委,主編了Annals of Operations Research、International Journal of Society Systems Science等多個雜志的特刊,同時為30多個國際性雜志及許多基金和出版社審閱論文和書稿。

  長期從事供應鏈管理,銷售系統, 數據包絡分析(DEA), 效率分析,多目標決策,博奕理論,合作廣告等領域,并做出了貢獻。在管理、經濟、運籌等一流學術刋物上共發表文章70多篇,其中大多數發表在決策科學、數量經濟、系統科學和生產率學科排名前3的頂級和著名學術期刊上,有1篇論文收集在由世界著名管理經濟學家Cooper等編輯的《數據包絡分析手冊》(Handbook of DEA)一書中。與運籌學泰斗、管理科學創始人Charnes和Cooper發展了數據包絡分析有關理論和模型,他們發表的文章中有5篇創立了經典理論,有2篇建立了經典模型,而以他們名字命名的“錐比率”Cone Ratio DEA模型和“滿意度”Satisficing模型被學術界認為是最有影響的DEA模型之一。截至2016年6月,根據Web of Science統計數據,黃志民教授共有40余篇論文被SCI和SSCI檢索,并被1,284篇論文引用;根據Google Scholar統計數據,共有60余篇論文被檢索,并被4,356篇論文引用。

  黃志民教授曾作為主持人、聯合首席主持人、核心研究成員等先后承擔和參與了美國國家科學基金、中國國家自然科學基金重點項目、中國國家自然科學基金重大國際合作項目、中國國家自然科學基金面上項目、中國科技部國家攻關計劃、美國聯邦銀行監管會基金、中國全國經濟普查重點研究課題等數十項重要研究項目。曾獲得Emerald最佳作者供獻獎(2014)、第四十界決策科學(Decision Sciences Institute)年會最佳論文獎(2009年),第XVIII界ACME國際會議最佳論文獎(2008年)等多項學術獎勵。




[1] Hou Y, Wei F, Li S, Huang Z, and Ashley A. 2016. “Coordination and performance analysis for a three-echelon supply chain with a revenue-sharing contract,” International Journal of Production Research.

[2] Zhang J, Gou Q, Li S, Huang Z. 2016. Cooperative Advertising with Accrual Rate in a Dynamic Supply Chain. Dynamic Games and Applications.

[3] Wang K, Xian Y, Wei YM, Huang Z. 2016. Sources of carbon productivity change: A decomposition and disaggregation analysis based on global Luenberger productivity indicator and endogenous directional distance function. Ecological Indicators. 66, 545-555.

[4] Wang K, Wei YM, Huang Z. 2016. Potential gains from carbon emissions trading in China: A DEA based estimation on abatement cost savings. OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science. 63, 48-59.

[5] Wei YM, Mi ZF, Huang Z. 2015. Climate Policy Modeling: An Online SCI-E and SSCI Based Literature Review. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science. 57, 70-84.

[6] Wang X, Wu Y, Liang L, Huang Z. 2016. Service Outsourcing and Disaster Response Methods in a Relif Supply Chain. Annals of Operations Research. 240(2), 471-487.

[7] Wang X, Li F, Liang L, Huang Z, Ashley A. 2015. Pre-purchasing with option contract and coordination in a relief supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics. 167, 170-176.

[8] Yang F, Li K, Huang Z. 2014. Measuring Scale Efficiency in Data Envelopment Analysis Considering Environmental Influences. Advances in Business and Management Forecasting. 10, 89-109.

[9] Wang X, Yuan W, Li SX, Huang Z. 2015. Road Safety Detection Modeling Based on Vehicle Monitoring Data in China in China. Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining. 2, 217-230.

[10] Yang F, Zhao F, Liang L, Huang Z. 2014. SMAA-AD Model in Multicriteria Decision-making Problems with Stochastic Values and Uncertain Weights, Annals of Data Science. 1(1), 95-108.

[11]Gou Q, Zhang J, Liang L, Huang Z, Ashley A. 2014. Horizontal cooperative programmes and cooperative advertising. International Journal of Production Research, 52 (3), 691-712.

[12] Yang F, Yuan Q, Huang Z, Liang L. 2013. Using DEA to select the best advertising investment plan. Applications of Management Science, 16, 131-149.

[13] Yue J, Austin J, Huang Z, Chen B. 2013. Pricing and advertisement in a manufacturer–retailer supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research. 231, 492-502.

[14] Zhang J, Gou Q, Liang L, Huang Z. 2013. Supply chain coordination through cooperative advertising with reference price effect. Omega-international Journal of Management Science, 41(2), 345-353.

[15] Zhao H, Wang X, Yuan W, Li S, Huang Z. 2012. Frame Selection Based on Mixtures of Trees in Discrete Data. Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining. 1, 3-16.

[16] He S, Wang X, Yuan W, Li S, Huang Z. 2012. Discovering the Co-movement Structure of Chinese Stock Market by SPACE with EM Algorithm. Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining. 1, 75-101.

[17] Zha Y, Ding X, Liang L, Huang Z. 2012. A Two-Stage DEA Approach with Feedback for Team Performance Evaluation. Applications of Management Science. 15, 3-18.

[18] He Y, Gou Q, Liang L, Huang Z, Gupta R. 2012. Cooperative Public Service Advertising Strategies for a Supply Chain System. Applications of Management Science. 15, 89-107.

[19] Han Y, Cui X, Huang Z, Ashley A. 2011. Manipulation and Equilibrium around Seasoned Equity Offerings. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 10(5), 771-792.

[20] Liang L, Wang S, Huang Z. 2011. Assessment and Sustainable Society. International Journal of Sustainable Society. 3, 221-224.

[21] Zhong W, Yuan W, Li S, Huang Z. 2011. The performance evaluation of regional R&D investments in China: An application of DEA based on the first official China economic census data. Omega. 39, 447-455.

[22] Liang L, Wang S, Huang Z. 2011. Assessment Methods in Social Systems Science. International Journal of Society Systems Science. 3, 1-4.

[23] Yang F, Yuan Y, Liang L, Huang Z. 2010. DEA Studies on Comprehensive Efficiency of Output Allocation with an Application to Paper Mills along the Huai River. Applications of Management Science. 14, 157-173.

[24] Zha Y, Liang L, Wu J, Huang Z. 2010. Performance Improvement on Cross Efficiencies and Applications to Competitive advantages of Chinese Cities. Applications of Management Science. 14, 249-271.

[25] Zhao Y, Wang S, Cheng T, Yang X, Huang Z. 2010. Coordination of supply chains by option contracts: A cooperative game theory approach. European Journal of Operational Research. 207, 668-675.

[26] Gou Q, Liang L, Huang Z, Xu C. 2008. A joint inventory model for an open-loop reverse supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 116(1), 28-42.

[27] Gou Q, Ren L, Liang L, Huang Z. 2008. An inventory approach for a Local Collection Point in reverse supply chains. International Journal of Sustainable Society, 1(1), 55-84.

[28] Wu J, Zhai X, Huang Z. 2008. Incentives for information sharing in duopoly with capacity constraints. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science. 36, 963-975.

[29] Cooper WW, Huang Z, Li SX, Zhu J. 2008. A response to the critiques of DEA by Dmitruk and Koshevoy, and Bol. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 29(1), 15-21.

[30] Cooper WW, Huang Z, Li SX, Parker BR, Pastor JT. 2007. Efficiency aggregation with enhanced Russell measures in data envelopment analysis. Socio-economic Planning Sciences, 41(1), 1-21.

[31] Huang Z, Cheung WY, Wang H. 2006. Cone dominance and efficiency in DEA. Annals of Operations Research, 145(1), 89-103.

[32] Huang Z, Li SX, Ashley A. 2006. Vertical Cooperative Advertising in a Manufacturing Retailer Supply Channel. Applications of Management Science: In Productivity, Finance, and Operations, 12, 157-174.

[33] Yue J, Austin J, Wang MC, Huang Z. 2006. Coordination of cooperative advertising in a two-level supply chain when manufacturer offers discount. European Journal of Operational Research. 168, 65-85.

[34] Wu D, Liang L, Huang Z, Li SX. 2005. Aggregated Ratio Analysis in DEA. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making. 4(3), 369-384.

[35] Huang Z, Li SX, Zhu J. 2005. Data Envelopment Analysis: Theories and Applications in honor of William W. Cooper. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 4(3), 311-316.

[36] Yue J, Wang M, Huang Z. 2004. Commit Time Design for Measuring Demand Side Quality Costs with Limited Distribution Information. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making. 3(3), 453-470.

[37] Huang Z, Li SX, Mao Z, Ashley A. 2004. An application of game theory and multiple objective programming in supply chains through franchising. Applications of Management Science. 11, 177-208.

[38] Cooper WW, Deng H, Huang Z, Li SX. 2004. A Chance Constrained Programming Approach to Congestion in Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis. European Journal of Operational Research. 155, 487-501.

[39] Li SX, Huang Z, Zhu J, Chau PYK. 2002. Cooperative Advertising, Game Theory, and Supply Chain Management. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science. 30, 347-357.

[40] Cooper WW, Deng H, Huang Z, Li SX. 2002. Chance Constrained Programming Approaches to Technical Efficiencies and Inefficiencies in Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 53, 1347-1356.

[41] Cooper WW, Deng H, Huang ZM, Li SX. 2002. A One-Model Approach to Congestion in Data Envelopment Analysis. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. 36, 231-238.

[42] Huang Z, Li SX, Mahajan V. 2002. An Analysis of Manufacturer-Retailer Supply Chain Coordination in Cooperative Advertising. Decision Sciences. 33, 469-494.

[43] Li SX, Huang Z, Ashley A. 2002. Manufacturer and Retailer Cooperation Through Franchising: A Chance Constrained Game Approach. Information Systems and Operational Research. 40, 131-148.

[44] Huang Z, Li SX. 2001. Co-op Advertising Models in Manufacturer–Retailer Supply Chains: A Game Theory Approach. European Journal of Operational Research. 135, 81-98.

[45] Huang Z, Li SX. 2001. Stochastic DEA Models with Different Types of Input-Output Disturbances. Journal of Productivity Analysis. 15, 95-113.

[46] Huang Z. 2000. Franchising Cooperation Through Chance Cross-Constrained Games. Naval Research Logistics. 47, 669-685.

[47] Cooper WW, Huang Z, Lelas V, Li SX, Olesen OB. 1998. Chance Constrained Programming Formulations for Stochastic Characterizations of Efficiency and Dominance in DEA. Journal of Productivity Analysis. 9, 53-79.   

[48] Huang Z. 1997. Bargaining, Risk, and Franchising Coordination. Computers and Operations Research. 24, 73-83.

[49] Huang Z, Li SX, Rousseau JJ. 1997. Determining Rate of Change in Data Envelopment Analysis. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 48, 591-599.

[50] Brockett PL, Charnes A, Cooper WW, Huang ZM, Sun DB. 1997. Data Transformations in DEA Cone-Ratio Envelopment Approaches for Monitoring Bank Performances. European Journal of Operational Research. 98, 250-268.

[51] Coope WW, Hemphill H, Huang Z, Li S, Lelas V, Sullivan DW. 1996. Survey of Mathematical Programming Models in Air Pollution Management. European Journal of Operational Research. 96, 1-35.

[52] Huang Z, Li SX. 1996. Dominance Stochastic Models in Data Envelopment Analysis. European Journal of Operational Research. 95, 390-403.

[53] Li SX, Huang Z, Ashley A. 1996. Inventory, Channel Coordination and Bargaining In a Manufacturer-Retailer System. The Annals of Operations Research. 68, 47-60.

[54] Cooper WW, Huang Z, Li SX. 1996. Satisficing DEA Models under Chance Constraints. The Annals of Operations Research. 66, 279-295.

[55] Huang Z. 1996. A Game Theoretical Approach to Franchising Arrangement. International Journal of Systems Science. 27, 611-622.

[56] Li SX, Huang Z, Ashley A. 1996. Improving Buyer-Seller System Cooperation through Inventory Control. International Journal of Production Economics. 43, 37-46.

[57] Li SX, Huang Z. 1996. Determination of the Portfolio Selection for a Property-Liability Insurance Company. European Journal of Operational Research. 88, 257-268.

[58] Huang Z, Li SX, Quang W. 1996. Quasi-Concave Multiple Objective Programming with Cone Structure. Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences. 9, 27-37.

[59] Li SX, Huang Z, Ashley. 1995. Seller-Buyer System Co-Operation in a Monopolistic Market. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 46, 1456-1470.

[60] Charnes A, Mahajan V, Huang Z. 1995. Franchising Coordination with Brand Name Consideration. Research in Marketing. 12, 1-47.

[61] Huang Z, Li SX, Raghavan V, Sun DB. 1995. Proper Efficiency and Cardinal Utilities in Multicriteria Decision Making. European Journal of Operational Research. 82, 476-489.

[62] Li SX, Huang Z. 1995. Managing Buyer-Seller System Cooperation with Quantity Discount Considerations. Computers and Operations Research. 22, 947-958

[63] Huang Z, Li S. 1995. The Role of Cardinal Utilities in Multiple Objective Programming. American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences. 14, 301-325.

[64] Chiang WC, Fitzsimmons J, Huang Z, Li SX. 1994. A Game-Theoretic Approach to Quantity Discount Problems. Decision Sciences. 25, 153-168.

[65] Charnes A, Huang ZM, Rousseau JJ, Armstrong R. 1993. Vector Extremal Systems in Cross-constrained Games of Regulatory Policy Analysis and Synthesis. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 21, 333-347.

[66] Charnes A, Cooper WW, Huang ZM, Sun DB. 1991. Relations Between Half-Space Finitely Generated Cones in Polyhedral Cone-Ratio DEA Models. International Journal of Systems Science. 22, 2057-2077.

[67] Brockett P, Li H, Thomas D, Huang Z. 1991. Information Theoretic Multivariate Graduation. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal. 2, 144-153.

[68] Charnes A, Cooper WW, Huang AM, Sun DB. 1990. Polyhedral Cone-Ratio DEA Models with an Illustrative Application to Large Commercial Banks. Journal of Econometrics. 46, 73-91.

[69] Charnes A, Huang ZM, Rousseau JJ, Wei QL. 1990. Cone Extremal Solutions of Multi-Payoff Games with Cross-Constrained Strategy Sets. Optimization. 21, 51-69.

[70] Charnes A, Cooper WW, Wei QL, Huang ZM. 1990. Fundamental Theorems of Nondominated Solutions Associated with Cones in Normed Linear Spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 150, 54-78.

[71] Charnes A, Swmple J, Thomas D, Song T, Huang ZM. 1990. Origins and New Directions in Data Envelopment Analysis. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 15(4B), 617-625.

[72] Charnes A, Cooper WW, Wei QL, Huang ZM. 1989. Cone Ratio Data Envelopment Analysis and Multi-Objective Programming. International Journal of Systems Science. 20, 1099-1118.

[73] Huang ZM. 1985. The Second Order Conditions of Nondominated Solutions for Generalized Multiobjective Mathematical Programming. Journal of System and Mathematics Science. 5, 172-184.

[74] Huanh ZM. 1983. A Note about the Proof of Farkas Theorem. Journal of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 4, 102-104.




[1] “Online Word-of-Mouth Reviews: Perspective from Empirical Studies,” (with J. Huo, Q. Gou, Q. Dai), in Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization, 1st Edition, IGI Global, 2013.

[2] “Chance Constrained DEA,” (with W. W. Cooper and S. X. Li) Chapter 9 in Handbook of DEA (edited by W. W. Cooper, L. Seiford, and J. Zhu), 2nd Edition, Springer, 2011.  1st Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.

[3] “Coordination and Cooperation in Manufacturer-Retailer Supply Chains,” (with S. X. Li) in Data Mining and Knowledge Management (edited by Y. Shi, W. Xu, and Z. Chen), Springer, 2004.

[4]“Introduction to Operations Research,”(with Q. L. Wei and X. Y. Wu) Renmin University of China Press, Beijing, China, 1986.




主編:          管理模型雜志 (Journal of Modelling in Management)

特邀主編:      運籌學年鑒 (Annals of Operations Research)

國際信息技術與決策雜志 (International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making),為紀念Cooper博士對DEA領域貢獻的特刊

國際可持續社會雜志(International Journal of Sustainable Society)

國際社會系統科學雜志(International Journal of Society Systems Science)

副編輯:       亞太運籌學雜志 (Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research)

國際管理科學雜志(OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science)

編委:           管理科學應用 (Applications of Management Science)

技術與投資(Technology and Investment)

國際信息技術與決策雜志 (International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making)

國際可持續社會雜志(International Journal of Sustainable Society),

國際社會系統科學雜志(International Journal of Society Systems Science)

國際服務科學雜志(International Journal of Services Sciences)




美國運籌和管理科學學會會員 (INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research and Management Science)

美國決策科學學會會員 (DSI: Decision Science Institute)

美國市場學學會會員 (AMA: American Marketing Association)








[4]《美國Bear Stearns投資公司基金》項目:“評估共同基金的投資有效性”,1998-2001,主持人



[7]《第一次全國經濟普查重點研究課題(國家統計局)》項目:“工業企業R&D投       入績效研究”,2006,專題負責人

[8] 《中國國家自然科學基金》重點項目:“供應鏈風險管理、協調與優化研究”,2008-2011,專題負責人

[9] 《中國人民大學2010年國際發文計劃項目》:“基于DEA 視角的我國高??蒲锌冃гu估”, 2010-2013,專題負責人

[10]《中國國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流》重點項目:”電子商務  環境下的快速物流系統研究”,2012-2016,聯合首席主持人
