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[1] 移動健康APP的監督機制對公眾健康行為的影響模式研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,2021-2024,主持

[2] 基于同伴效應的北京虛擬健康社區可持續發展研究,北京社會科學基金項目,2018-2020,主持

[3] 面向健康信息傳播的個體行為與社交網絡的交互研究,偉德國際1946bv官網科研基地科技支撐專項計劃,2017-2018,主持

[4] 信息經濟發展動態監測,國家互聯網信息辦公室課題,2017,主持

[5] 國際農產品貿易數據采集與市場復雜性分析,中國工程科技知識中心建設項目,2015,主持

[6] 基于動態網絡分析的技術轉移路徑及其演化模式研究,北京市自然科學基金項目,2011-2013,主持

[7] 基于客戶行為分析的信號博弈商務平臺模型研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目,2009-2011,主持


[1]  Lun Li, Qiuju Yin*, Zhijun Yan, Junwei Kuang. Monitoring Your Weight-Loss Process Online: The Impacts of Prior Experiences and Online Social Support on Subsequent Weight-Loss Outcome. Health Communication, 2022,5 (SSCI, JCR 2區)

[2]  Qiuju Yin, Haoyue Fan, YijieWang, Chenxi Guo* and Xingzhi Cui, Exploring the Peer Effect of Physicians’ and Patients’ Participation Behavior: Evidence from Online Health Communities, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(5). (SSCI,JCR1區)

[3]  李論,尹秋菊,顏志軍*.醫生線上線下服務評價對患者在線問診選擇的影響研究,管理學報,2022.19(4):565-574 (基金委管理學部認可重要期刊)

[4]  Qiuju Yin; Chenxi Guo; Chao Dong; Tianmei Wang*, May problem-based learning get higher evaluation from student? International Journal of Crowd Science, 2021(4): 92-111

[5]  Qiuju Yin, Lun Li, Zhijun Yan*, Chenxi, Guo. Understanding the effects of self-peer-platform incentives on users' physical activity in mobile fitness apps: the role of gender, Information Technology & People, 2021.5 (3):1054-1072. (SSCI/SCI, JCR2區,ABS3星)

[6]  Chenxi Guo, Qiuju Yin, Wanxin Qiao. The Impact of Public Health Emergency Events on Health Behaviors-Evidence from the COVID-19. Korea Management Information System International Conference, 2021, Seoul, Korea (Best Paper Award)

[7]  Tianyu Shi, Ting Long, Yaohui Pan, Wensi Zhang, Chao Dong, Qiuju Yin*. Effects of asymptomatic infection on the dynamical interplay between behavior and disease transmission in multiplex networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2019.12. Vol:536. DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2019.04.266. (SCI)

[8]  Chao Dong; Qiuju Yin; Kevin J. Lane; Zhijun Yan*; Tianyu Shi; Yan Liu; Michelle L. Bell, Competition and transmission evolution of global food trade: A case study of wheat[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018.11. 509: 998~1008. (SCI)

[9]  Su Liu, Zhijun Yan, Yan Liu, Qiuju Yin*, Lini Kuang. Association between air pollution and chronic diseases among the elderly in China[J]. Natural Hazards, 2017, 89(1): 79-91. (SCI)

[10]  Qiuju Yin, Tianyu Shi, Chao Dong, Zhijun Yan*. The impact of contact patterns on epidemic dynamics[J]. PloS one, 2017, 12(3): e0173411. (SCI)

[11]  Zhijun Yan, Yan Liu, Qiuju Yin*, Mingfeng Qiu. Impact of household solid fuel use on blood pressure and hypertension among adults in China[J]. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 2016, 9(8): 931-940. (SCI)

[12]  Chao Dong, Qiuju Yin, Wenyang Liu, ZhijunYan*, Tianyu Shi. Can rewiring strategy control the epidemic spreading? [J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2015, 438: 169-177. (SCI)

[13]  尹秋菊著,基于信號博弈和MAS的交易行為研究,偉德國際1946bv官網出版社, 2019

[14]  顏志軍,賈琳,尹秋菊,高慧穎譯著,信息時代的管理信息系統,機械工業出版社,2017


[1] 尹秋菊,魯靜,顏志軍,王立,百年馬應龍藥業互聯網變形記,全國工商管理專業學位研究生教育指導委員會,榮獲第十屆“全國百篇優秀管理案例”獎,國家級,2019.9